Chapter 27

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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ²⁷⁻ "ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵃʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵉᵉᵈˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵒᵒʳ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ?"

We were back at Hogwarts, and I was constantly reminded of my aunt's actions. She acted unlike her when I asked her about Sirius Black and now, I was keen on finding out why.

I thought of going to Severus at first but decided not to since he wouldn't answer me or tell my father about my newfound interest in a criminal.

I did not know anyone else who I could ask. But there was one person who knew everybody's business and always had a connection to every mishap taking place in the wizarding world.

Harry Potter.

I caught him with his two friends as usual. They seemed to be walking somewhere in a hurry so I picked up my pace.

The Granger girl and Weasley were fighting about some rat or cat or whatever and didn't even notice me walking up to their friend.

"Hello," I greeted in my most polite sound.

"Gah!" Potter screeched, yet again startled to see me. He began to chuckle awkwardly. "You have to stop sneaking up on me like that"

"You have to start being a little vigilant," I corrected and began following Granger and Weasley, assuming Potter was going where they were.

"Do you know anything about Sirius Black?" I asked the boy who was walking awkwardly next to me.

He seemed unprepared to hear those words come out of my mouth. But as soon as he registered what had been said, a frown came up to his usually smiling or flushed face.

He then proceeded to explain how his parents knew Sirius Black and how he'd betrayed them and how Potter found out about everything.

"I'm sorry," was all I could whisper. I did not know how to deal with such situations so I decided it was best to change the topic.

"Is it always like this?" I whispered to Potter. "These two flirting while you just walk behind, awkwardly"

The brunet gave me a confused look. "They're not flirting, they're just fighting"

I laughed at the boy's cluelessness. "Potter, you lost soul. What would you have done if I weren't here?" I playfully bumped my shoulder into his.

"But you are. Here, I mean," the boy sheepishly replied as he bumped his shoulder into mine. I returned the gesture. He then did the same thing. Soon, this turned into a fight that wasn't so friendly.

I was about to smack Potter when I heard Severus call me. I told the Gryffindor I would see him later and jogged to Severus. He silently walked toward his office and I followed him without asking any questions.

When we got to his office, he sat in his chair and asked me to sit in one of the chairs placed on the other side of the table. I did as told and then he began speaking in his usual monotone voice. "I see you have been spending time with Mister Potter"

"Not really," I shrugged. "I just wanted to ask him about home-"

"I forbid you to see the students from here on forth"

I scoffed. "I can't ask people about homework? And since when are my acquaintances any of my professor's business?" I enquired folding my hands in front of my chest.

"I am not here as your professor right now. I am fulfilling my duties as your godfather at the moment and this is an order your father has made personally," he answered looking slightly offended.

"Why is that so exactly?" I raised an eyebrow. How did my father even know who I was spending time with?

Severus took a deep breath as he leaned on the table. "Because these friends of yours are known to break school rules and get themselves in danger, consistently might I add. They back-answer teachers and get into fights with good students such as Mister Malfoy. Not to forget, two out of three are not doing well academically either"

Well, he wasn't wrong so far. They did break school rules and ended up in dangerous situations every year. Malfoy may have been a questionable person but he was an outstanding student and Weasley and Potter were barely passing their exams.

"Your father does not want you to be in such poor company," Severus continued and smirked at the end when he saw the look on my face. He knew he was right; I knew he was right and so, I couldn't argue. "You are dismissed"

I walked back to the common room thinking about who could've snitched on my father about who I was and wasn't around.

The only name that came to my mind was the one and only Draco Malfoy. How did he even know I had talked to Potter?

I walked into the common room and saw all my friends sitting there, laughing about something.

Malfoy was sitting in a corner with an agitated expression on his face hiding behind a cloth he was wiping his bloodied nose with.

I pulled the blond by his collar to his room and threw him in it. I locked the door shut and turned around to the boy. He had a sickening smirk on his face. "What are we about to do that needs the door to be locked?"

"This," I said as I walked up to him and smacked him right in his stupid face. He groaned in pain as he clenched the spot on his cheek where I had slapped him.

"You told my father I was spending time with Potter?" I asked, pacing across his surprising clean room. "Just when I had begun to think you tolerable, you lied to my father! Why?"

He scoffed, offended by this accusation. "Lied? I saw you go to the Hospital Wing the day of the match and be all cosy with Potter," he spat.

I groaned in frustration, still pacing around the room. "Malfoy, you dimwit! I wanted to check if a boy who just plummeted to the ground was alright! I would've done it regardless of who it was"

He kept quiet for some time but I was boiling with fury. All that time we spent during the holidays! All that time we spent during the Yule Ball! All those moments I thought of him as a friend! He just had to show his true colours, didn't he?

"Severus just told me I am forbidden from seeing Potter!" I exclaimed. "Thanks to you, my father is going to monitor everything about my life and I cannot even ask people about homework!" I continued, not planning on stopping soon.

"Which is what I was doing with Potter! Asking him about homework!"

He kept quiet for some time as I plopped on the bed next to him. "I've got the homework if you still want it," he whispered, making me let out a sigh. I then began to chuckle even though I tried very hard not to.

He seemed confused at first but then went along with it and began to chuckle awkwardly, too.

I immediately stopped laughing and turned serious. "You pry in my life again and I stab you," I threatened before giving him a smile.


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