Chapter 4

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After our train journey, we met the half-giant Hagrid who led us to the boats and to the Hogwarts castle

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After our train journey, we met the half-giant Hagrid who led us to the boats and to the Hogwarts castle.

We were made to stand outside by a woman in a pointy hat after she'd explained the houses and their value.

As I was observing the castle, my eyes fell on a tiny brunet boy. He had round glasses that covered most of his face and stood at the very front. The astonishment and confusion plastered on his face were unmissable.

And that was when I realised it was none other than the boy who lived. I had to say, I'd imagined him to glow or at least be taller instead of being so... normal.

One minute Malfoy was next to me and the next I saw him advancing towards Harry Potter with Crabbe and Goyle following close behind.

I inwardly hoped Malfoy wouldn't do something stupid but, as usual, he made sure I was wrong.

"It's true then," the blond began loudly, gaining everyone's attention. "What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts"

Everyone began gasping and murmuring about the boy who lived. Even Daphne looked at me with wide eyes.

Malfoy then proceeded to introduce Crabbe and Goyle and then in his usual smug tone, himself.

The ginger boy standing next to Harry Potter- who I assumed was a Weasley- sniggered at Malfoy's name. This made the blond very upset.

I would've done something about it but I wanted to see what insult Malfoy would come up with. And seeing as it was a Weasley, I'm sure he already had many of them piled up.

"Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy asked the redhead. "No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley"

On hearing this, Weasley's face matched the colour of his hair.

I hoped Malfoy would stop now but he did not.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," Malfoy turned his nose up. "I can help you there." He held out his hand for Potter to shake.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," Potter replied denying Malfoy's hand. And before Malfoy could do something about it, the woman in the pointy hat returned making the blond retreat.

I had to admit, what Potter did was funny and took guts. I would've intervened but it was Malfoy who started it.

As we walked to the Great Hall for our sorting ceremony, I heard someone whisper behind me. "Looks like mummy didn't teach Malfoy how to make friends"

"How could she? She doesn't have any friends herself," someone else replied and both boys began chuckling.

I turned around, my blood boiling and head about to burst with enragement. "Talk about Narcissa Malfoy once again and it will be the last thing you do in your pathetic, little life"

Pansy, Daphne, Theo and Blaise gathered around the two boys, who looked like they were about to cry.

I scoffed at their behaviour and began to walk away. I could hear my friends follow close behind.

As we entered the Great Hall, we were welcomed by a room full of students seated at their respective houses' tables. And just below the teachers' table was the sorting hat.


Soon, Professor McGonagall called out my name.

All of my friends had been sorted into Slytherin, just as expected. Although, I was unsure about Theo and Daphne.

Theo was exceptionally clever and sensible so I was scared he would be sorted into Ravenclaw. And Daphne being so warm and calm and driven I thought she may be sorted into Hufflepuff.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the sorting hat. Think tall. Chin up. Walk like you own everything and everyone around you.

Just like Malfoy, before the hat had even touched my head, "Slytherin!" it screamed out.

The Slytherin table burst into cheers. The loudest ones belonged to my noisy yet supportive friends.

I smiled and slowly made my way towards the table. No matter how excited one is, a lady does not dash about. That was my father's saying.

After everyone was sorted,all of us enjoyed a nice meal at the Slytherin table before being escorted tothe Slytherin dormitory by our prefects.

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