Chapter 54

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The little stunt pulled by Weaslette led to much worse things happening to her and her friends than she had imagined.

Malfoy in particular was so furious, that he left his task alone and kept on harassing whichever of the four Gryffindors he found. He did not have any problems hexing the two girls either. It was a rather unpleasant phase for him.

He and Blaise poisoned Weasley not once but twice. Crabbe and Goyle beat up whoever even spoke to any of the four Gryffindors. Pansy and Daphne somehow managed to spread awful yet believable rumours about them which spread across Hogwarts like wildfire. Theo and Millie were the only ones who actually supported me instead of trying to avenge me.

Malfoy just seemed like a different person during those days. He had a short fuse for everyone, sometimes even me. All of his self-preservation skills, his practicality, his sanity everything was just gone. He was just a lawless bloke blinded by rage.

One afternoon, I saw him come to the Great Hall and leave immediately after seeing something. He did not just walk out but rather ran out of the Hall.

I furrowed my brows at his unusual behaviour. Enough was enough. I needed to bring him back into reality. So, I excused myself and began following him.

He quickened his pace and I eventually could not keep up. It took me some time to figure out he would be in the bathroom nobody uses.

I entered it to see it flooded with water. Taps were leaking and doors and walls were broken. Bits of glass and concrete floated on the water.

"Malfoy?" I called out; my wand ready in case. "Malfoy, are you here?"

I walked up near the sinks to find Potter standing over Malfoy. The blond was whimpering and gasping on the floor. His body was full of cuts and he was bleeding all over the bathroom floor.

I ran up to him, pushing Potter while doing so. Not caring about the flooded floor, I sat down and took Malfoy's head in my arms. "Draco?" I managed to say between my sniffles.

I tried to use some of the healing spells I'd learnt when he was enlisted as a Death Eater but none of them seemed to work. I could see his eyes begin to close.

"No, no, no, no, stay with me Draco. Just keep your eyes open, please. Please, just hold on. Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me," I could hardly stop crying. By now, my tears began to fall on his cheek.

"Someone help!" I cried out. "Theo! Blaise! Someone, please help us!"

Thankfully, Severus walked in and started to mutter something. Malfoy, who was still in my arms, started to heal with Severus' help. I was too preoccupied to see the looks exchanged between Potter and Severus or to kill Potter. He ran away when Severus came into the bathroom.

I was slowly stroking his cheek when the blond opened his eyes. I let out a sigh of relief which may also have sounded like a laugh and hugged him as tightly as humanly possible.

Severus and I managed to take him to the Hospital Wing, ignoring all of his objections and complaints.

While Madam Pomfrey tended to him, Severus and I stood close by.

"How did you know what to do?" I asked him, my voice quivering. "I didn't even what spell Potter used, let alone how to counter it"

Severus did not answer at first, but it seems like he could tell I wasn't going to let it go anytime soon. "Because I created it many years ago"

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