Chapter 30

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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ³⁰⁻ "ᴱᵗᵉʳⁿᵃˡ ᴳˡᵒʳʸ. ˢᵒᵘⁿᵈˢ ⁿⁱᶜᵉ, ⁿᵒ?"

All people could talk about in the Hogwarts Express was the World Cup. It was either how brilliantly the players played or the other thing.

Daphne seemed panicked about my well-being since Malfoy and I were the only ones at the World Cup. The rest of my friends were sent to the other side of the world in the name of events or sightseeing. It was very suspicious.

I wanted to tell Daphne about Malfoy, but I was too caught up with how Crabbe and Goyle were hogging the candy they bought from the trolley. Besides, what was there to tell anyway? It was a momentary lapse of judgement.

Back at the school, I was thinking about my aunt and Sirius Black, when I heard Dumbledore start his announcements.

Dumbledore explained how the school had been chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and what it was. I was ignoring everything that was going on and was in my own trance.

Some women belonging to the Beauxbatons Academy came dancing in through the doors. I could see all the boys- except Theo, of course- drooling over the tall ladies.

I don't know why or how but I found myself sneaking glances at Malfoy to check if he was watching them too. I couldn't help but feel relieved and happy when I saw he wasn't looking.

Then the students from Durmstrang entered through the gates banging their wooden canes. With them, came Viktor Krum- the best seeker in the Wizarding World. This time, men and women both were drooling over the sight of Krum.

Dumbledore then introduced the new DADA teacher. He was as unusual as every other DADA professor we had in the past. Except for Lupin, of course. He was a good professor and it was a real shame he had to leave.

The headmaster then went on about Eternal Glory and the Triwizard Tournament. What caught my attention was the fact that there wouldn't be any quidditch matches this year because of the stupid tournament.

"Marcus Flint ought to roll over in his grave if he heard what Dumbledore is saying right now," Blaise laughed.

"Flint isn't dead," Pansy pointed out with her eyebrows furrowed.

Blaise gave her a mocking smile. "Well, he'd die listening to this and then roll over in his grave. Now, we know why you weren't sorted in Ravenclaw," Blaise snorted.

"You're such an arse, Blaise Zabini. I will talk to your mum about this," Pansy retorted with her nose turned up.

Finally, after all these dramatic dance sequences, Dumbledore began the feast. We all dug into the appetizing food before us- some of us more uncivilly than the rest.


"I would've participated if we were allowed," Theo stated out of the blue.

Daphne chuckled at his statement. "I wouldn't have let you"

All of us snickered at her words.

"Why would you willingly take part in this stupid thing anyway, mate?" Blaise questioned.

"Eternal Glory. Sounds nice, no?" Theo answered as if it were obvious.

Pansy laughed at this. "We're upper echelon Slytherin purebloods, Theo," she reminded the brunet boy.

"Exactly," Malfoy chimed in. "You don't need to win something you were born with"

I wasn't very keen on participating in this conversation. My mind was occupied by the bomb my aunt had dropped a couple of days earlier.

Sirius Black. Her words still echoed in my ears.

Why did they not get married? What happened between them? Did he do something to her? When were they supposed to get married? Did he want to get married to her or was it only her? Is she still communicating with him?

I needed answers soon or my mind would've blown up.

I had our DADA book in front of my eyes and my friends' heated argument about the tournament was going on in the background. Meanwhile, my mind was occupied by Sirius Black and occasionally would wander off with thoughts of Malfoy.

Why in Merlin's name was I thinking about Malfoy? Did I not have enough to worry about anyway?

Like the new DADA professor. What was his deal?

Why did that stupid blond have to lead me to my seat? I was perfectly capable of walking on my own. None of this would've happened if he didn't do that.

Soon, everyone decided to go to bed.

I was about to get up but Malfoy asked me to wait behind. I asked Daphne and Pansy to go ahead and waited for him.

He took a seat next to me and I began to bite the inside of my cheek, nervously.

Nervously? I'd never been nervous before. I did not like this.

The two of us sat there, in awfully uncomfortable silence. It was quite late and everyone had gone off to bed or to their rooms, so it was Malfoy and me in the room.

No words were spoken, just the crackling of the firewood was heard. There would be a slight breeze that flew through the window, but that was it. No noise, no commotion, no disturbances. Just me and him.

We were snapped out of our moment when we heard the dormitory door creak open. Some sixth-years hurried inside and ran up to their rooms when given a look by Malfoy.

"I wanted to tell you something," Malfoy furrowed his eyebrows.

I just quirked an eyebrow in response.

I could see Malfoy tense up. He wanted to say something but it was as though something was stopping him. I could sense him getting nervous with every passing second since he wasn't doing a good job trying to hide it.

Others I could read like a book but Malfoy wasn't one to show his emotions. Yes, he bullied people and expressed his rage but the emotions he buried inside were always hard to read. Malfoy and Severus were the only people I could not read at first glance.

"N-nothing," Malfoy muttered. "Nothing that can't wait, anyway"

It was at that moment I knew he was either hiding something or just did not want to tell me something. Or maybe he was made to keep his mouth shut.

The Slytherin Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें