Chapter 63

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On hearing Voldemort's little announcement, Draco and I decided to find our friends and retreat to the forest together.

There was nobody in the hallways. The only thing visible were blocks of walls broken on the floor while the air was laced with dust particles.

We saw two faint figures sitting on the floor. When we walked closer, we saw it was Theo and Daphne. They turned their attention to us upon hearing our footsteps.

I ran up to Daphne and hugged her. I did the same with Theo and it was then that I saw the lifeless body of Nott Sr. on the floor next to us.

"I had to," Theo stammered. "He would've killed both of us. I had no other choice, I- I swear"

Daphne wrapped her arms around Theo's neck and shushed him. "We know, honey, we know"

The four of us slowly made our way to the Great Hall after that. Thankfully, we saw everyone sitting there. Pansy was being treated by Millie. Crabbe was sitting with his bandaged foot on top of Goyle who didn't seem to mind.

Blaise was the first one to see us. The moment he did, he ran up to us and hugged all of us. "I cannot express how happy I am to see all of you"

"Us too, Blaise," I laughed and pulled away. "You're bleeding, you idiot," I pointed to his forehead. I pulled him to a corner and started cleaning his wound.

"What about our parents?" Blaise asked the group.

"Haven't seen any of them," I replied, my eyes focused on his wounds. "I suppose we'll see them in the forest"

"We're going?" Pansy asked casually.

"Not all of us," I replied. "Just Draco, Blaise and I. Everyone is scarred in more ways than one," I glanced at Theo. "You need rest. We'll go and inform your parents of your well-being"

I turned around, beginning to leave before they protested but Draco caught up and held me back. "Cassie," he began as he pushed my hair behind my ear. "You need rest most. Stay. Blaise and I'll go"

"I need to meet my aunt," I took a deep breath. "I need to tell her about- about my father"

I tried to pull myself out of his grasp leading him to tighten it and pull me back again. I saw the stern look on his face and knew something was wrong. "You think I'm going try to kill him," I scoffed.

"Am I mad to think that?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to kill him," I looked Draco straight into his eyes. "Even though he deserves it, he won't die by my hands. He has to be killed by Potter"

I scoffed and pulled my arm out of Draco's hand. "Feel free to stay here if you're going to act this way"


I wasn't sure what would happen in the forest because Harry Potter was obviously not just going to walk into his own death.

My aunt was far too overwhelmed to see me. She hugged and kissed me and just as I was about to tell her about Severus and my father, gasps filled the air. I turned around to see Harry Potter walk towards the Dark Lord.

Of course, the bloody Gryffindor decided to sacrifice himself.

After some minor chitchat, the Dark Lord shot the killing spell from his wand and sent him and Harry Potter flying backwards. The only difference was, that he got up and Potter didn't.

"You," the Dark Lord pointed at Narcissa. "Check if he's dead"

Narcissa slowly made her way to Potter who was curled up on the floor. A moment later, she got up and looked at us. "Dead," her voice came out stern but I could tell she was lying.

Harry Potter was very much alive.


The next few minutes were a blur. Hagrid carried Potter's body all the way from the forest to the school where a crowd awaited us.

The looks on everyone's faces when The Dark Lord announced Harry Potter was dead in an overjoyed tone and then proceeded to ramble on about how he was the greatest were nothing less than disheartening. I wished I could shoot a killing spell at the bald man but I knew it wasn't my destiny.

Just as Voldemort finished his speech, Neville Longbottom stood up in front of the crowd and began his own speech. I internally hoped we wouldn't have to hear more of these.

The very moment when Longbottom pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor, Potter leapt out of Hagrid's hands. Draco tossed his wand to Potter and in the midst of the sudden chaos, all of us began to shoot what was remaining of the Dark Lord's followers.

I heard Potter talk to his friends about getting the snake. "I'll help," I offered to make everyone turn to me in surprise. "We don't have time for this!" I began to run and then heard Granger and Weasley follow me.

I ignored the rumbling and crashing I heard around me as I ran through the halls trying to find the bloody snake. "There it is," I heard Granger's voice making me stop and turn around.

She stood at the bottom of the stairwell looking the snake directly in the eyes. Weasley ran up to her and began to pull her away but she wouldn't budge.

"Run," I whisper-shouted. "You don't have anything that could kill it. It's a Horcrux for Merlin's sake"

I saw Longbottom slowly make his way from next to the snake with a basilisk fang in his hand. I internally slapped my forehead since it was the stupidest plan I'd heard.

Obviously, the snake saw Longbottom and attacked him. "Neville!" Weasley yelled as the Longbottom boy fell backwards and the fang flew out of his hand and disappear into the pile of rubble below.

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