Chapter 39

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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ³⁹⁻ "ˢˡʸᵗʰᵉʳⁱⁿ ʷⁱⁿˢ!"

It was the morning of the first-ever quidditch match of the year. It was Gryffindor versus Slytherin and spirits were high in the Great Hall.

All of us had been sneaking peeks at the practices of other teams just so we could make fun of them. The Slytherin team would study their play but I didn't think there was anything to study. Everyone had gotten worse if that was even possible.

We knew it was an easy win for us but we're still excited.

Loud cheers rang through both teams' stands when the players flew to the ground. Everyone was deprived of quidditch for the entirety of last year and now was letting go of that pent-up excitement.

The game began with Madam Hooch's whistle and the cheers became louder.

"The Slytherin team has many new players this year including a new captain," the announcer spoke. "Let's see how they do under new leadership"

Warrington, who was the new captain, was indeed a good player and an even better captain. He was, after all, taught by none other than Marcus Flint himself.

The team was playing well and scoring like they didn't even have opponents. I felt sad for the Gryffindor team. They were clearly struggling and playing the first game of the year against Slytherin is never easy.

"And the quaffle is passed to Warrington, who is now moving to make his fifteenth goal. The Slytherins seem enthralled with the performance of their new captain"

Warrington flew past Johnson and Katie Bell with ease and was just about to score when a bludger began to fly towards him, courtesy of one of the Weasley twins.

"A bludger flying towards Warrington," the announcer said. "He's about to get hit- oh! Intercepted by a very dedicated and new player, mister Vincent Crabbe!"

The entire stadium hushed down as Crabbe fell off his broom and his knocked-out body made its way to the ground.

How hard did Weasley throw that bludger?

Daphne, Pansy, Theo, Blaise and I began rushing down the stands to help Crabbe and just then the announcer spoke up. "And is it- It is! Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"

Nobody even celebrated the win before checking on Crabbe, who was being taken to the Hospital Wing.


I was in the library a few days later, desperately trying to study Divination and not fall asleep.

"Umbridge has called us to her office," Malfoy's voice startled me. "Sorry," he apologised sheepishly after seeing my reaction.

I let out a happy sigh and began packing up. "Thank Merlin! I couldn't have gone ten more minutes with this crap"

When Malfoy said 'us' I thought he meant just the two of us; but when we got to Umbridge's office, I saw all our friends standing there.

We entered her office and loud shades of pink pierced my eyes. I never thought anything could get any pinker than her, but she'd proven me wrong.

Her office was filled with portraits of cats on the blush-pink walls. There were coral flowers placed in some corners in light pink flower pots. All I wanted to do was shut my eyes so tight, that I would never see anything ever again.

"Good morning, professor," all of us sang in harmony with our rehearsed smiles plastered on our faces.

Umbridge returned our smiles with a sickly, sweet smile as she placed her teacup on her table. "Good morning," she chirped.

"I got a letter from a few of your parents," she continued, clearly bothered. "I just want to make sure you are aware that the rules I put up are for disciplinary purposes"

All of us exchanged glances, unsure of where she was going with this.

"Considering you lot are disciplined as is, they do not apply to you"

Oh, how long I'd waited to hear those words!

A smile grew on all our faces and we did not try to hide them. There was no need. Umbridge controlled the school and we controlled her.

She hesitated before saying her next sentence. "If you have any problems," her voice came out strained and forced. "Please tell me directly. No need to involve your parents. They are busy people"

After we were done with that conversation, Umbridge asked Malfoy, Theo and me to wait.

"How is your friend," she inquired. "Mister Crabbe, is it? I heard he had a fall"

"He is much better now," I answered. "Just a fracture"

"Good, good."

I could tell she had no interest in Crabbe's well-being. She then came to her point which was the Inquisitorial Squad. We agreed to join it since was far too much of a good opportunity to pass.

"Warrington was asking about you," Malfoy said after we left Umbridge's office. "He knows your mum was a great player and you are too. So, he wanted to know if you would play in the next match as Crabbe's replacement"

I couldn't help but laugh. "He knows I play well but doesn't know the kind of family I come from? My father would hex him and then me if I played"


"No Malfoy," I interrupted. "It's better for everyone if I stick to watching matches from the stands themselves"

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