Chapter 10

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I slept through most of the journey back home. I had been studying and picking out gifts for the entirety of the past week and was exhausted.

I hugged Theo, Daphne, Crabbe and Goyle goodbye before going to my aunt who standing with Narcissa and Nora Zabini.

After talking to everyone, my aunt and I apparated back home and the very first thing we did was gossip over tea.

"Oh, before I forget," she reminded. "Pick out a dress for the Malfoy Yule Ball. I have some options ready for you"

"Everybody will be attending, I suppose," I asked taking a sip of my tea.

My aunt shook her head. "The Greengrass family is spending it with the Notts at some island. They had invited us, too but your father declined"

I gasped. "What? Why? I would've loved to spend Christmas with Daph like that one year"

"I know, love, but your father had some important matters to discuss with Lucius," she replied. "You'll have Pansy, though"


I woke up in my comfortable silk sheets. Oh, how much I had missed those sheets. Instinctively, I jumped out of my bed and dashed down to the drawing-room. I was so thrilled, I forgot I never changed out of my silk pyjamas.

I wished the house-elves a happy Christmas as I moved towards the drawing-room. When I opened the doors, to my surprise, I saw Lucius and Draco. I froze, right then and there.

Lucius did not seem too bothered, my aunt was trying to stay calm, my father seemed alarmed and Malfoy was trying not to laugh at my sight. I got my act together and put up an awkward smile.

"Good morning," I said uncomfortably, breaking the silence. Lucius gave me a slight nod which I returned as I walked towards the chair next to Malfoy.

"Happy Christmas Cassiopeia," Lucius said giving me a smile. "I had something to talk to your father about and Draco here wanted to give you your gift"

"He did?" I smirked as I turned to look at the blond who looked flushed.

My father cleared his throat. "Well, I think we have covered all the things on our agenda"

Lucius seemed to get what he was trying to say. He agreed and the Malfoys left after wishing us a happy Christmas again.

I hugged my father as soon as they left since I did not meet him yesterday. He too returned the gesture. I turned to my aunt to see if she was going to scold me, but she did not. She just burst out laughing- which was quite worse.

I shook the thoughts away and opened the lovely, well-wrapped presents waiting for me under the tree.

I opened Daphne's gift first. It was a beautiful black dress. It seemed like Pansy and Daphne had coordinated their gifts since Pansy's gift was a pair of shoes that would be perfect with the dress.

Piles of chocolate from Crabbe and Goyle, a book about Herbology from Theo. It was an inside joke between Theo and me. Blaise had given me a beautiful jacket and as per our tradition, some chocolate frogs.

I got a few books about offensive spells from my aunt and a few books about defensive spells from my father. Severus had gifted me a book about ancient spells.

A pair of silver earrings from Narcissa and Lucius and a bag with my initials on them in what seemed like diamonds from Nora.

Malfoy had given me a gold plated- or actual gold- necklace. It had the constellation I was named after- Cassiopeia- as a pendant. It was lovely.


I flooed in the Malfoy Manor with my aunt and father. I tried my best to minimize socialising and go to my friends instead.

While doing so, I bumped into Malfoy. I rolled my eyes and he smirked. "What are you wearing Ambers? Where are those cute pyjamas?"

I was wearing an emerald-coloured sweater dress with black thigh-high heels. I had curled my hair, left it open, and made sure to wear Malfoy's pendant necklace.

I gave him a mocking smiled and pushed him into a wall. "Tell a soul about what happened and you're dead Malfoy"

He chuckled but agreed when I banged his head into the wall. I let go of him and he dusted off his jacket.

"Why do you wear shorts?" he furrowed his brows. "Why not just normal full-length pyjama pants?"

I gave him an offended look. "It's very hot so I wear shorts"

"Why the socks then?"

"I happen to like socks Malfoy. They remind me of the fact that it's Christmas"

"Doesn't the snow or say the Christmas tree do that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Right, forgot I was talking to you. A feeling of fulfilment that warms my heart reminds me. From the core of my soul"

"Your heart is in your feet?"

I scoffed and got out of that hallway before the bleached fool ruined my Christmas.

The rest of the party was fun. I enjoyed it a lot.

We did what we usually did.Making fun of the guests, Blaise mimicked some of the ones we are utterly disgusted by, had a lovely Christmas feast and finally rode brooms without anyone seeing us before we went home.

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