Chapter 1

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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ¹⁻ "ᴵ ᵍᵒᵗ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ᴴᵒᵍʷᵃʳᵗˢ!"

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My name is Cassiopeia Ambers and this is my story. But it seems like we need to make some introductions and for that, we need to rewind a couple of years.

I was born on the fifth of June in the year 1980.

Unfortunately for me, it was also the day Draco Malfoy, the worst toad-like human to have existed, was born. Right next to the delivery room I was born in, in fact.

I was born into a powerful and wealthy pureblood family- the Ambers.

My grandfather, Elric, was a very powerful wizard and the person who chose my name. He was the reason everyone feared the Ambers' name and I would make sure to keep it that way.

My mother, Esther, passed away when I was seven years old. But, my aunt, Lillian, did not waste a second taking me in. She raised me as her own.

She taught me the rules of society, how to behave, how to maintain our reputation and how to keep those who doubt us in check.

Not only my aunt, but I also had my best friends to help me get through my mother's demise.

Blaise Zabini. This man wears many titles- my big brother, best friend, protector, and most stylish wizard to walk this Earth.

Pansy Parkinson. Pansy hates the world and therefore, would destroy it for me. This is something she's never let me forget.

Daphne Greengrass and Theo Nott are also part of the people I'm closest with. This pair were like the parents of the lot and nobody complained.

They were always to get engaged as well. Nobody said anything out loud, but nobody needed to. It was an unspoken understanding that if Theo Nott were to marry anyone, it would be Daphne Greengrass.

Since we were brought up together, Draco Malfoy was also a part of the lot. He and his friends- Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. I'd never talked a lot to the pair but they seemed nice. Dimwits, but nice.

As I said, we were one of the most reputable, commanding, wealthy and authoritative families and thus, obviously, only stayed in contact with other families like ours.

My friends and I may have been the mischievous children that lingered about during our parents' meetings, but out in society, we were the most powerful prodigies and we acted like it.

The story begins when I turned eleven.

It was an average afternoon. I was sitting in the drawing-room, reading a potions book my Godfather, Severus Snape had gifted me.

I loved the drawing-room of my house more than I liked the study or kitchen or even my bedroom.

The white rugs placed upon the hardwood floors, the windows that stretched to the ceilings and were paired with beautiful, long drapes. The fireplace, the seats, the Victorian table and the bookshelves. Oh, how much I adored those beautiful bookshelves.

We even had thrice the number of books in the library but I preferred the books in the drawing-room. After all, they were my favourites.

Just as I flipped the page of the book, I heard a tap at the window. I chose to ignore it since I was far too engrossed in the book.

The tap was heard again. And again. And again.

Frustrated, I looked up to see Nyra- our family owl- at the window, a letter in her beak. I put down my book and scurried towards the little bird.

"Couldn't you have just come in?" I sighed as I fed the bird. After she was done, she flew off to the owlery after handing me the letter.

I could recognise what the letter was about and who it was from just from the red seal stamped on it.


"I got in! I got into Hogwarts!" I exclaimed as I dashed through the halls, desperately trying to find my aunt Lillian in the gigantic mansion that was my home.

Hearing the commotion, my father came out of his study, looking rather flustered. "What is the meaning of this racket, Cassiopeia?"

"I apologise father, but I got accepted into Hogwarts. I just received the letter"
On cue, my aunt came out of my father's study and engulfed me in a hug. "Oh, my darling. I am so, so proud of you"

"Pish posh, Lillian. You say this as if my daughter was not going to get into Hogwarts. Child's play for such a young, brilliant mind," my father announced with pride. He swatted my aunt's hand away and patted my back.

"Oh, shush now, Arnold," his sister oh-so-lovingly hissed. "We need to go to Diagon Alley to get everything! We shall go tomorrow itself, all right, my love?" she asked but it was not a question that required an answer. I nodded my head in agreement, nonetheless.

I was excited, but my aunt was overwrought.

"Buying her a wand, Arnold. Cassie's first, real wand! And her books. Oh, the books she will take with her to Hogwarts!"

I left the halls and wentto my room to write to my friends before my aunt burst with feelings.

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