Chapter 21

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"I cannot believe this giant is a professor now," Daphne complained as we walked through the forest during our Care of Magical Creatures. "I mean, does a former groundskeeper even have the qualifications to be a teacher?"

Pansy scoffed. "Merlin knows he doesn't," she said making all of us laugh.

I did not think it was funny but it sure was unsafe to take third years into the Forbidden Forest. Salazar knows nothing good ought to come out of this little experiment.

As we were walking, the 'professor' instructed us on how to open the massive book and right on cue, Longbottom made a fool of himself- one way or another. Everyone including the Gryffindors laughed at the moron this time.

All of us stood behind the class and as usual, Granger said something to which Malfoy just needed to give a snarky reply.

"This place has gone to the dogs!" Malfoy said with Crabbe and Goyle at his side. "Wait till my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes"

Everyone laughed at this comment except Blaise and me. We just rolled our eyes at Malfoy's inability to shut up.

Potter seemed offended and instantly came to the man giant's rescue. "Shut up, Malfoy" he threatened as he walked toward us. All of us ooh-ed at his little Gryffindor courage.

Malfoy walked towards the brunet and seemed like he knew what he was doing- he usually didn't.

"Dementor, Dementor," Malfoy shouted pointing behind Potter.

Everyone gasped and whipped their heads in the direction Malfoy was pointing at, including Potter- who looked terrified.

The minute people realised nobody was there, Malfoy and his little goons put up the hoods of their robes and made some weird noises.

Potter seemed like he was about to punch Malfoy but Granger pulled him away, not before making a mocking face at us.

Malfoy turned to me, still laughing and I shook my head in disappointment. That seemed to wipe the little smug laugh off his face.

The man-giant came back and brought a... "A bloody hippogriff!" I thought out loud making everyone turn around to look at me.

"Yes, that is right miss Ambers. Buckbeak here is a hippogriff," The man said. "Isn't he beautiful?"

He then proceeded to explain what a hippogriff is.

I knew this class was not going to end well.

Meanwhile, Potter got selected to 'say hello' to the giant creature. And obviously, him being Harry Potter, the hippogriff gracefully bowed to him. He was made to ride it as well, which he reluctantly did.

When the Potter boy came back, everyone seemed to be fascinated by what he had done and were congratulating him.

Malfoy seemed to have gotten upset by the fact that Harry Potter was in the limelight and he was not.

He never was a sharer, was he?

The blond walked up to the hippogriff and- what a shocker- the creature smacked him away.

The blond rolled on the floor as if he hadn't gotten just a scratch but lost his head. "It's killed meh, it's killed meh," the dimwit whimpered as he squirmed on the ground.

Blaise and I rolled our eyes as we turned to each other. Although I was irritated, Blaise seemed amused.

"So," I turned to the boy. "Want to toss on who gets this one?"

Every time Malfoy would do something stupid- which was very often- it was up to Blaise and me to get him out of trouble and make sure he doesn't cause any more of it. And also, to make sure he was alright.

"Oh, no, mate" Blaise laughed. "I got his detention debacle you get this one," Blaise was quite entertained by the events that had taken place and was not bulging from his word, which is why I got stuck on Malfoy duty.

I grabbed the blonde's bag and rolled my eyes as I walked behind the man-giant with Malfoy- who was threatening the teacher- in his arms.


Malfoy was still whimpering on a bed in the hospital wing with me sitting on the bed next to him.

"Oh, shut it, would you?" I finally spoke up turning to the boy next to me. "It's barely a scratch. You haven't lost an arm"

"Lost my arm, that's a good one. I'm going to use that," the blond smirked turning his head to face me. I scoffed and went back to reading. "I'm going to write to father tonight itself," he continued.

"It was your fault, Malfoy" I stated not looking up from my book. The blond scoffed at my words.

"You really are a loon are you not?" I continued. "How could you get injured over something so silly right before your match? Marcus is going to be furious"

"Why do you call him Marcus and not Flint?" Malfoy asked in what sounded like a worried tone. I chose not to answer the question.

I closed my book and got up from the bed. "Come on, let's go for dinner. I am famished"

I helped the boy up and we walked towards the Great Hall.

He kept on pestering me about the Marcus Flint goof-up and I kept on ignoring him- that was our relationship in a nutshell.

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