Chapter 63

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"Ah, I'm Esil, the Eldest daughter of Radiru Clan," she said as she went on to explain how each floor had demon clans, and each would protect the areas they resided in.

'Hmm... that's weird. They seem very humanly.'

"Why do you guys kill humans?" asked Izuku as she too became thoughtful.

"Actually... I don't know. It's just that when we see a human we get some uncontrollable urge to kill," she said as Izuku nodded.

"But weirdly I don't feel that around you," she added as Izuku looked at her.


"Well, I don't know, maybe you're a mon-" she stopped midway as she fell on her knees coughing blood.

Inside One for All, everyone looked at Sung Jin-Woo.

"Well, at first I thought it was the system, but it turns out that the Monarchs had a spell on their demons that prohibited them from speaking about them. That could only be lifted if the demon became my shadow soldier," Jin Woo told them as they nodded.

"Looks like with the passing of time the spell's power increased," he muttered.

Outside, Izuku quickly held her as she fainted.

"Damn, now she's sick. I guess something is stopping her from speaking about this..." he muttered.

As Esil opened her eyes, she saw Izuku next to her.

"Oh, so you woke up. Hey, aren't you demon guys friendly with each other? These guys tried to kill you," said Izuku as he pointed at a pile of demons next to him.

"Y-you protected me? T-thank you," said Esil, unable to believe her eyes.

"Well, I did say I'd protect you when I agreed to your terms," he said rubbing the back of his head as she blushed a little.

"Well, how long till we reach where the permit is?"


Izuku was sitting with the demon clan head on his table. After accidentally scaring the shit out of the leader and his soldiers and discovering a demon castle inside a demon castle, the Leader had decided to sit with him for lunch after he requested for Esil as his guide.

"As long as she isn't in danger, I'll allow it," the demon lord said as it hurt his pride a little negotiating with humans.

"Though I don't care whatever happens, as long as the clan is safe," the demon lord muttered under his breath, not noticing that both Esil and Izuku heard him. Esil looked down gloomily as Izuku became angry.

"Yes. Can we leave right now?" asked Izuku, trying to not show his emotions on his face as Esil nodded.

'It's true, demons don't care about others...' he thought as a notification popped up on his screen.

Demon Noble has requested to join your party
Party members may use the divination circle to access higher floors. The experience gained will be divided as per the contribution.

'Huh? Alright, that's weird,' he thought as he accepted the request.

"Do not in any circumstance participate in any battle," Izuku told her as Esil blushed again.



And with that, Izuku had cleared the next floors till 89th.

Esil had prepared to negotiate, but, Izuku being Izuku just massacred all the demons when he found out that they were hostile to each other.

Esil Meanwhile grew closer to Izuku.

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