Chapter 51

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Kaina was laying on her prison bed, deep in thought when the bars opened.

"Huh? It's time for dinner?" she asked as a guard entered.

"No ma'am, all charges have been dropped against you and you've got a clean slate. We were told to inform you of this and release you immediately. You are to go and meet the head of the Hero and Hunter commission. I'll escort you to your car," the guard said... respectfully. 

This whole thing confused her since she still had about 2 years left, and this clean slate thing was even more surprising. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she was in front of the Hero commission President.

"Hello, Mr. President. I must say, I did not know that the Silver Fang replaced the former president," she said curtly.

"Well, yeah, that old geezer was a controlling bitch," Satoshi said off-handedly as he sat down.

"So, as you must have been told, you are now free of all charges," he told her and she nodded.

"Yes, however, I do not understand why this has happened since I've been charged for treason and murder," Kaina said as Satoshi smirked.

"Well, who did you kill Ms. Kaina?" 

"Well, the HPSC leader, wealthy politician Akari Katsumi and a few other corrupt people," she replied.

"And what do Exterminator heroes do?"

"They kill people deemed threat to the peace. More like they're heroes who specialize in killing, but most were brain-washed with exceptions like the fabled Salamander, the person of who no one knows the real name. But I betrayed the Association," she said, having no idea where this was going.

"Well, not as per this 'Mission Order,'" he said air-quoting Mission Order.



"I want Kaina Tsutsumi to be released from custody," Izuku said as the Silver Fang raised his eyes.

"Ah, so I see you too are a fan of her like me. Well, I would say this is impossible, but me, Nezu, who I guess you convinced to do this, and the National rank hunters All Might and Nightwatch have been discussing this for a while and have a plan."

"What? Steve's in this?" Izuku asked, surprised. Since the meeting, Izuku and Ichigo had gotten closer to Kaminari's brother figure till the time he stayed in Japan, which wasn't very long. But to hear this was a shocker since he didn't know if he had any influence in the Japanese hero commission.

"Well, Ms. Kaina and a few other heroes like Hawks were part of this Exterminator Hero program. Originally these were heroes who preferred control-killing, but these were actually brainwashed to kill those deemed public enemies, and you know how such things end up. So Ms. Kaina killed the Chairman along with a few other corrupt people. After the death of the Chairman, the program fell into the hands of the then newly formed Hellfire corps, so they have access to old files. And for Mr. Steve's sidekick, it isn't really difficult to plant a file with a modified timestamp."

"However, now that I figured this out, well, I'll say that it's all because of you she's going to get out. You put the idea in Nezu's head who told Steve everything, and Steve being Steve got overly emotional and did his best," Silver Fang said as he put a file on the desk. 

"This is the alibi and what we'll give the authorities."


Mission #129 
Classified till further notice

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