Chapter 18

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A few minutes earlier, Kaminari and Sakumo were making their way forward with Kaminari killing the goblins and Sakumo not doing much except dealing with a few that came her way. Just because she was a healer didn't mean she couldn't fight.

They reached the end of the tunnel, where they found two more exits similar to theirs.

"Wow, so the tunnels were actually connected. Shame, we could have done it in half the time had we all gone the same way," said Kaminari as he went towards the tunnel on the left.

The sight he saw was disgusting. He saw a body without a head on the ground, one prisoner being held by the Monitoring department guy, and an injured Lady Nagant on the ground.

"What... are you doing?" asked Kaminari with wide eyes.

"Ohoho, you kids weren't supposed to see this," the guy said as he beheaded the guy he held by the neck.

"Well, I'll deal with you after I kill her," the guy said as he rushed towards Lady Nagant but before he could reach her Kaminari had rushed in and stood in front of her in a defensive position.

Sakumo seeing this rushed behind him and started healing Lady Nagant.

Without any warning, the person darted towards Sakumo who braced for impact, only to feel nothing.

She opened her eyes to see the blade of the dagger inches away from her, but they were held by the thumb and index finger of Kaminari who then broke it and quickly tried to stab the guy.

The person jumped backward as he took out another dagger.

'He blocked my dagger! He's pretty quick. And to break it like that...'

"What are you doing?" asked Kaminari, all the childishness gone from his face. This face was of a hardened hero, one who had seen tragedy and gone through unimaginable loss.

As Sakumo healed Lady Nagant, Lady Nagant tried to speak.

"I'll hold him back. You both escape," she somehow spoke through her almost crushed throat.

"If I did, I'd never be able to call myself a man, let alone a hero. I'd just be a coward," said Kaminari as he stood in a defensive stance.

If you'd look at the matchup, it was pretty even. Theoretically, both Kaminari and that guy were on the same level, they both were, unofficially in Kaminari's case, A-rank. 

However, what put the Management guy much above Kaminari was his experience in killing and physical combat with humans. Before this, Kaminari had to fight a few C-ranks only, who were weaker in raw power and didn't know how to even throw a punch. However, this guy was exponentially more powerful and skilled. And the biggest handicap was two non-combatants. They weren't a part of the battle but Kaminari had to protect them and fight at the same time.

And with that, the battle broke out.


Izuku and Ochako were running. Ochako was confused until she saw the corpses of the prisoners who had come with them.

Ochako had never seen a dead person. And right now, in front of her, there were three corpses. Thus, like any other normal person, she broke down.

"H-he's... dead..." she said with wide eyes and tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Ochako, calm down," said Izuku as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I-Izuku he's dead! H-he died!" she sobbed.

"I know, but we're in a dungeon, and if I'm right, then we have a far greater problem than the boss," said Izuku.

"W-what? What's greater than the boss?" asked Ochako.

"Either one of the criminals killed them or that monitoring guy," said Izuku seriously.

"W-what! W-why?"

"I don't know. But I know that the others are in danger," said Izuku.

"W-we have a killer on the loose! I-I... I don't want to die... I don't want anyone to die. Why did they kill them?" asked Ochako now scared.

"Ochako, I need you to calm down. We need to save the others," said Izuku as Ochako nodded and wiped her eyes.

"L-let's go," she said as she started to run towards others.

When they reached where Izuku had felt the Killing Intent coming from, they saw Kaminari kneeling, covered with cuts and bruises, and a relatively unharmed monitoring guy standing in front of them. Sakumo's one hand was on Kaminari and the other on Lady Nagant, as she healed them both.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING! GET OUT OF HERE!" yelled Lady Nagant as she tried to stand up.

"I don't abandon my comrades," said Kaminari as he stood up.

Izuku disappeared from Ochako's side and appeared next to Kaminari as he put his hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Denki, you've done enough," said Izuku with a close-eyed smile, and Kaminari visibly relaxed.

"Heh, I did my best bro," said Kaminari.

"What are you doing, take the girl and go outside, he's an A-ra-"

"Please Lady Nagant, calm down," Izuku cut her off.


"Please. Ochako, can you please guard both of them? And see to it that Sakumo doesn't overexert herself," said Izuku.

Inventory: [Mana potion, energy potion, water]x2

These things materialized in his hand as he tossed them to Kaminari.

"Take one and give the other to Sakumo," said Izuku.

'Wow, why didn't I get a life potion or something?'

During all of this, his eye never moved from the Management guy.

"So an E-rank is going to fight me now? I was planning to let at least you two live but looks like now I'll have to kill all of you. Let's see, the criminals tried to escape and killed you, then attacked me when I was fighting the boss. Yeah, that's a good story," the person said with a maniacal grin.

"You won't be telling them anything. By the time we get out, you'd be too dead to speak," said Izuku in a scary tone.

"You don't seem like an E-rank. Are you perhaps a false ranker?" he asked as Lady Nagant's eyes went wide.

"No, that can't be, a false ranker doesn't let anyone who sees his power live. And by the looks of it, they do know it. So... you've reawakened," said the person, and now Sakumo was mildly surprised. She did suspect that but she never really asked him. 

"Boss did say something about a reawakened guy. But that means you have little experience," said that person as he shot towards Izuku with his dagger, only to be blocked by another dagger.

"Oh, so you're a dagger wielder too. Are you perhaps an assassin?"

"No... even I don't know what I am," said Izuku as he activated sprint and shot towards him.

As he got near him, he activated OfA in his hand at 9% and tried to hit him. However, he dodged at the last moment and Izuku's fists made contact with the wall completely cracking it.

"Such inhumane strength, such speed. Hmm... you still lack one thing that blonde mage had. Skills. You aren't half bad..."

"...But as a superior, let me give you some lessons."


Hello everyone so thank you all for over 3.9K reads, it means a lot. Also, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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