Chapter 3

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Sakumo was on the ground, crying, as she tried to move.

"Wha-" Bakugo was cut off by Izuku.

"Take her and run," said Izuku seriously.

"What? Are you stupid or som-"


"No! I won't leave you!" yelled Sakumo.

"Please..." begged Izuku as he looked at her, teary-eyed. Even Bakugo was crying.

"Let's go..." Bakugo said, stifling his tears.

"I am sorry D- Izuku, for everything I have said or done to you. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but if we both survive, I'll earn it," said Bakugo as he held Sakumo.

"Bold of you to assume I'll make it out of here alive," joked Izuku.

Bakugo glared at him as his eyes twitched.

"Even at the death's door, I feel like punching you in the face for that joke," said Bakugo.

"Just toss me those daggers and get out," said Izuku.

Bakugo solemnly nodded as he exited the dungeon. But before he stepped out, Izuku stopped him.



"Just one wish, please take care of Izumi."

With that, Izuku was alone in the dungeon.

'Thank you? THANK YOU? Bastard, it's because of you so many people died in the first place. And yet, you ran out of the dungeon first, like a coward. You even offered Bakugo as a sacrificial goat. Tch, I'm glad we aren't friends. If you guys turned on Kacchan, who's like the strongest in class, heck even in the whole school, you'd spend no time in offing me if things went south...' 

'I've made peace with my death. I'm glad that I'm the only one dying here,' thought Izuku as he gripped the dagger.

The door was closed, and the statue of the god was smiling at him wickedly.

"I'll take at least one of you with me!" yelled Izuku as the god brought his sword down at him. 

Izuku, being as fast as he was, used the daggers to slide the sword towards the right, barely avoiding being stabbed.

"Just one, just one! I won't die a worthless death at the very least," he muttered as he threw both the daggers, and they met their mark. The eye of the god statue.

The statue wasn't dead, but at least he couldn't use the laser. That was good right? It would at least make it a little easier for heroes or hunters, whoever came to clear the dungeon.

True, the daggers were able to pierce the eyes. It seemed that the eyes were the soft spot. However, now Izuku had no weapons.

'Who am I kidding? Of course, I am not ready for death,' he thought as desperately tried to avoid the lances of the knights.

'I am sorry All Might, mom, Izumi. I am sorry...' he thought as he was hit by a lance, which pierced through his stomach. Another one pierced through his arm. Legs. Shoulders. Back of his head. feet. Knees. Lungs.

'I don't want to die...' thought Izuku, in immense pain.


You have completed the necessary requirements of the secret quest- Courage of the Weak

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