Chapter 27

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"This is boring," said Izuku as he destroyed another knight.

He was currently in a dungeon, more precisely, job-quest dungeon. The first thing he saw here was a knight's armor. Naturally, the nerd in him started gawking upon it, but the survivor in him saved him in the nick of time as the knight took a swing at him.

Yeah, it was a mistake




For the knight.

He should have let him gawk.

If he did that, he wouldn't be lying on the ground with his head(armor?) somewhere a few hundred meters away.

"Heh, he wasn't that strong. Though his armor was a little too thick to pierce through the dagger. Thank One for All, even 13 % is enough to deal with this shit," muttered Izuku as he saw more knights.

"They got no skills..." said Izuku as he dodged one and hit it in the back.

"... Don't they know that the bigger the motion..."

He jumped above one and hit it straight into the head, as the helmet caved in.

"... The bigger the opening?"

'One for All, full Cowling, 13 %!'

'Sprint activate'

With that, Izuku dashed, destroying the knights one after another, until he reached the main dungeon.

'Tch. The most annoying thing is that damage accumulates,' he thought as he remembered the alarms.

Alarm: You cannot leave the dungeon unless you've cleared it

'I might miss school tomorrow'

Alarm: In this area usage of potion and shop is restricted. Upon leveling up, you may not receive status healing

'Vital strike takes 70 mana to activate and stealth takes 200. And stealth also consumes mana for the time it's activated. I am restricted to One for All and sprint.'

While thinking all this, he was rummaging through every drop there. It was some armors and protective gear of B-rank.

All of a sudden his instincts screamed at him to either dodge or attack, and being Izuku... he stabbed whatever was behind him.


The next moment a fireball was shot towards him which he dodged.

'Fireballs? Like that guy in the dungeon who tried to kill us?'

He looked around as he felt himself being cornered.

'It's like my past fights are being replayed.'

An arrow nearly grazed his cheeks, reminding him of the last dungeon he had just cleared the day before.

'This is a difficult dungeon...




... but nothing compared to the real deal.'


Izuku had dealt with every single monster that came at him, during which he leveled up. 

Another noticeable thing was that he had a lot of defense items.

'It's a good thing that these armor and shit aren't physical and don't hinder my movement,' he thought as he gulped water which he had bought since a few things including this were still available.

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