If You Love Me, Let Me Go

ابدأ من البداية

Liv: What happened?

Travis: I was going to the store and I guess I was just too tired and fell asleep. I hit a tree and next thing I know I woke up here.

I saw a look in Thea's eyes and I knew she wasn't buying it.

Zelina: Can you guys give us a moment please.

Liv: Sure, I'll let Tyler know he's okay.

Zelina: So, you fell asleep?

Travis: Yeah.

Zelina: How much did you drink?

Travis: How did you know?

Zelina: You're a terrible liar Travis. Why would drink and drive? You have so much to lose what is wrong with you?

Travis: You wouldn't understand.

Zelina: Help me understand. I don't want to lose you Travis, I want to help you.

Travis: There's no helping me Thea. I'm a lost cause.

Zelina: Whatever you got going on we'll get through this.

Moments later the nurse came in with discharge papers and a police officer.

Zelina: What's going on?

Officer: Sir we're going to take you into custody.

Zelina: Excuse me, what is happening.

Officer: Ma'am your boyfriend is being charged with a DUI.

The officer took me out of the hospital once I got changed and brought me to jail.

*The next morning*

I was in my cell when a guard came and got me.

Officer: Crawford, you're going home you made bail.

The officer escorted me to the lobby and I saw Thea standing there and she looked pissed. The car ride was silent until I decided to say something.

Travis: Thanks for getting me out.

Zelina: Is that all you have to say?

Travis: I love you?

Zelina: When is this going to stop?

Travis: It helps with me nerves.

Zelina: Travis you could have fucking died. Try yoga, meditating, riding a bike, running, something. You need to deal with this another way. How do you think our daughter would feel if I had to tell her that her father was dead?

Travis: Listen, I know I fucked up. I can stop this.

Zelina: I really hope so Travis.

*A few days later*

I was still upset about my 30 day suspension for my DUI. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go into the kitchen and started drinking again. I ended up drinking so much I passed out on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in my hand.

*The next morning Zelina POV*

I was woken up by Skylar this morning shaking me.

Skylar: Mommy wake up.

Zelina: I'm up sweetie. What's wrong?

Skylar: Can you take me to school?

Zelina: Daddy is going to take you today.

Skylar: He won't wake up. I tried to wake him but he's snoring really loud and he has his juice bottle in his hand.

Zelina: Let me get dressed and we'll go. Go get your shoes on and grab your backpack.

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