"To prove it,I easily got Crystal!I easily snuck into your room and took Crystal away while you were sleeping!And I got away easily too!Now I'm in charge of her!"


"And I advice you!DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER TO MY DAUGHTER OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!And I am sure you know how hurtful it will be." Harumi forcefully shouted and ended the call.

She began crying even more and threw her phone to the wall, her phone broke.

"Mawa?" Crystal asked.

Seeing her mother cry, made her cry too.

Harumi noticed and wiped her tears and acted that there were never tears on her face. She picked Crystal up and tried to calm her down.

But there was one problem.

'How could she calm her daughter down when she couldn't even calm herself down?'

At The Monastery.

"Lloyd!Lloyd,open the door!" 

"Misako?What's wrong?" Wu asked.

"I don't know.After Lloyd spoke to Harumi on the phone, he got upset and just locked the door." Misako answered.

Wu felt worried but tried to stay calm. He could understand what Lloyd was feeling, he placed his hand on Misako's shoulder.

"Let's leave him alone.He'll come out once he is calmed." Wu adviced.

Misako could only agree. She looked back at Lloyd's door before walking away with Wu.

Meanwhile in Lloyd's room, he was devastated. He became very quiet on his bed, staring out of the window. 

'Why did Harumi act that way?Why would she hate me all of a sudden?She was just acting!'

'Wasn't she?'

Lloyd kept questioning about Harumi's sudden changed behavior. And the fact that he was now separated from his daughter and wife again. 

He was completely silent. 

'Should I go to the base?I gotta know what's going on.'

'I'll go tonight.'

At the S.O.G Basement.

After the call, Harumi became more silent than she ever was. Everytime Crystal tried to play with her, she showed no response. Her mind was elsewhere. 

She couldn't stop thinking about what she said to Lloyd.

'I hope he's not too hurt by it.'

"MAWA!!" Crystal cried loudly.

Harumi flinched at her cry and quickly picked her up.

"Sorry,Crystal.You need anything?" Harumi asked.

But Crystal only kept crying and constantly hit Harumi.

"Crystal,I'm sorry.My mind was..elsewhere." Harumi said.

But Crystal wasn't listening. 

"You want to play with my phone?" Harumi asked.

She placed Crystal down on the bed and let her watch some videos on her phone. But Crystal didn't even care about the phone. She only wanted to play with her mother. She crawled closer to Harumi and pulled her hair.

Part of The S.O.G and Part of The Resistance(Crystal Edition)Where stories live. Discover now