Chapter Thirty Three: Eve of Battle

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Lucian stood at the head of the war table, his two generals, his army commander and advisor sat around him. While the room itself was of decent size, with Lucian at the front of it, the room seemed smaller. His battle gear and armor gave him an extra size that only added to his massive presence.

"My lord." General Wyatt said with a tone of forced calm. General Wyatt was a mild tempered man who looked like a lumber mill owner. Thick brown beard, dark brown eyes hidden under thick eyebrows. Yet he had the same intellectual background as Lynx.

"-it would be much safer to send out the first and second battalion. We can afford to risk a couple hundred if need be."

"Wyatt is right Lord Lucian-" General Lin added. Lin was a thin woman with long black hair and pale skin. She had a calm, almost cold demeanor and spoke with a deep voice. Her thin eyebrows arched over her thin pale blue eyes adding to her cold appearance.

"-the army is there to fight enemies. Not to fight as your back up."

"While I appreciate both of your insight. I believe a king should fight along side his people and in times of possible war, fight in the front lines." Lucian replied, maintaining a calm and positive tone. "Also, I can possibly end this war before it even becomes one. Though I would still like to think peace is achievable."

Lynx smirked slightly without saying a word. He was proud of his lord.  For many things,  however his desire to maintain and uphold peace at all times gave him the most pride.

"General Wyatt." Lucian said in an authoritative manner, "have your battalion cover the east wall. General Lin, cover the west. If things go beyond my ability to control, you will send in your warriors."

Both Generals bowed in silent resignation. They did not like the plan, that much was written all over their faces. However it was their duty to accept whatever their lord ordered.

"Thank you for your council. I'll see you both out on the southern wall at dusk."

"Yes, my lord." They both replied before bowing at the waist and walking out. After they left, Lynx turned to Lucian with a smile.

"Excellently done. Let us hope that you can talk some peace into the Vikara." Lynx nodded.

"I would very much like to think that I can talk them down from war." He replied. "But I am not going to debate the point."

Lynx looked at his lord with a concerned expression.
"Meaning what exactly?"

"If they will not talk about peace, then they will not live to talk at all." Lucian replied in a serious tone. Both of them sat silently for a long moment before Lynx spoke up again.

"No change in Lady Drakkon?"

Lucian shook his head with a heavy sigh.

"When I checked on her late this morning, her hair was beginning to change."

Lynx nodded and folded his hands together on the table.

"So it took? That is very good." The feline advisor smiled.

"It truly is. Though when she wakes up I am sure she will have quite a few questions." He chuckled.

"You didn't explain what was going to happen to her before?" Lynx asked, disapproval in his voice.

"It...well, no I did not. I should have though." Lucian sighed. "Hopefully she will see this as a good thing."

"Oh yes, I am positive that a young woman from Terra will look at this situation with wondrous open eyes." Lynx replied sarcastically.

"Melanie is not like most women. Once she understands what is happening I think she will come around." Lucian nodded.

As soon as he finished his sentence and took a breath, the doors to the war room opened. Lucian's senses were immediately washed over by the sweet scent of strawberries and something else. He turned to face the doors with a gracious smile and open arms.

Melanie had intended to shout and expell her anger but when she saw Lucian with his arms out wide, she couldn't help but want to be wrapped up in his embrace. Melanie rushed in and wrapped herself around him. Her tirade of emotions settled as his arms wrapped around her like a security blanket.

Lynx smiled softly. He had seem hundreds of pure love and he knew it when he saw it. His pointed furry ears twitched when Brandi and Kelly walked in a moment later. They both stopped and Brandi was the first to notice how dressed up Lucian was.

After a long comforting embrace, Melanie pulled away and then took in the sight of his apparel. His black armored shoulder guards stretched over chest. Thick scaled forearm gauntlets were strapped around his arms. Thigh and shin guards matched the rest of his armor.

"You look like you are dressed for war." Kelly blurted out. "What's up with that?"

Melanie looked up and met his garnet eyes. In that gaze she saw a flicker of honesty that reflected the words he was about to say.

"The Vikara are on their way."

Melanie swallowed hard and tried to keep the remembered image of his dragon form in her mind.

"When will they be here?" Melanie asked.

"Maybe tonight. Maybe by morning. Can't quite be certain." Lynx answered.

"And you are still going out to meet them? Alone?" Brandi asked.

"I am. Yes." Lucian said, eyes still on Melanie who looked worried and anxious.

"Everything will be fine though. Do not worry yourselves." He smiled, picked up Melanie and tossed her onto his shoulder. She giggled slightly and stabilized herself with one arm against his muscular neck.

"What is happening to Melanie?" Kelly asked. "What did you do?" She pointed an accusatory finger at him angrily.

Even as she did, a part of her still wished that she could have experienced a bite like Melanie had.

"Watch yourself!" Lynx snapped.

Kelly looked over at the feline advisor with a look of surprise. She had not heard him break his mild and calm tone.

"You may be adjusting to the formalities but do not assume you will be let off from punishment just for that."

"Oh?" Kelly arched her brow. "Will you be doing the punishing?" She smirked.

Lynx looked at her with wide eyes. Unsure of how to respond he looked at his lord who chuckled.

"Brandi. Please shut the door." Lucian said.

She closed it and looked back at Kelly, wondering if she had crossed a line and was about to get reprimanded for it.

"Kelly. Behind closed doors we can talk as equals. In public you must address us-" he gestured to Lynx and Melanie, "-as our official positions. I do not like doling out punishment. But if I must then I will. Do you understand?"

Kelly felt angry and sexually frustrated. Everytime he said punishment, all she could think of was getting paddled and fucked. A part of her wanted to cross that line for no other reason than to feel the sexual use she craved. Before she could say anything though, Brandi stepped forward.

"I apologize my lord. It won't happen again. We were just very worried about our friend and lady." Brandi said.

"I completely understand and to answer your question." Lucian placed a hand on Melanie's thigh. "Melanie is going through a transformation. One that will make her five times more than what she was on Terra."

"A transformation?" Kelly asked. "What kind of transformation?"

"My Queen-" Lucian smirked, "-will be adjusting to the world on a genetic level as well as adjusting to the station."

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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