Chapter Twenty One: Fabric

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The royal dressing room was just as large as the servant rooms. However it had ten weavers. Each one had their own station with their very own sewing machine. Brandi was the first to notice the fact that there were no wires for electricity and there was no batteries.

"How do things run without power?"

Heather walked over to the nearest weaving station and pulled out a side panel. Inside was a thick blue crystal attached to two separate silver wires.

"On the other side is a white crystal. The blue feeds power which then gets pushed to the white crystal which recharges the energy and feeds it back to the blue crystal."

"Wow it really is like a fantasy world." Melanie chuckled and looked at the racks of clothing that lined the center of the room.

"It's sort of like a shopping at a thrift store except everything is hand made." Kelly said.

"So a high end thrifting?" Brandi asked.

"Yeah, let's go with that."

Melanie looked through the clothes and before she realized it, she turned and found a weaver at her back. The woman had thin arms and legs with a narrow face.
It took Melanie a moment to realize that the woman had not just two, but four thin arms.

"Stay still please." The woman said and began wrapping cord around her waist. The thin weaving woman was slightly shorter than Melanie and had the speed of a fly. In under thirty seconds she had measure her back, in seam, breasts, waist and legs.

"Thank you." The weaver said and walked quickly back to her station where she started weaving together white fabric. Melanie noticed that all the fabric that was being weaved was white. She turned to Heather who had already found herself an outfit to change into.

Melanie watched as Heather grabbed the pink dress, got undressed and slid it on. Once the dress was on it changed not just in color but in shape. The pink faded to a dark red matching her hair. The short loose bottom lengthened out on one side while the other shortened until it was almost at her hip.

Heather breathed a sigh of relief and rolled out her shoulders, then noticed Melanie looking at her. As were Kelly and Brandi.

"I apologize. All of this is quite mundane to me but I can imagine it must be very strange for you. The fabric is weaved with a crystallized fiber that is highly sensitive and flexible. It synchronizes to your body's natural energy and modifies itself to both your mood and desire."

Kelly smiled, grabbed the nearest dress and threw it on. The blue fabric shifted to a dark pink and changed in size. The closed back became open, the long bottom reeled in to a short skirt with a low cut top.

"Holy fuck. I like this shit." Kelly exclaimed. "Put one on."

Melanie turned and again she was surprised to find the same weaver at her back. In her hands she held up a solid white dress.

"Th-thank you." Melanie said softly.

"You are most welcome my lady." The weaver said.

Melanie slid out of her clothes and put the dress on. It fit perfectly to her body without having to force or tug on anything. The white fabric shifted to a soft scarlet red. The length of the dress went down to her shins but opened up along the sides revealing her toned legs and thighs.

"I like it." Kelly replied.

"As do I." Heather added. "The sides are good for combat and good for...other means as well."

Melanie blushed and nodded.
Brandi slid on a skirt which changed to a dark blue that ended at her knees and covered her top with long shoulders straps.

"So, shall we go see where Lord Drakkon is?" Brandi asked.

"Actually." Heather said, "Ms. Rivers must prepare for the ceremony for this evening. Please explore the palace at your liesure." She looked at Melanie and smiled. "Are you ready to become the servant to the greatest King in five hundred thousand years?"

"I am." Melanie replied. The fabric of the dress shifted slightly from red to pink.

"Good. Because your King waits for you."

Melanie looked to Brandi and Kelly as she followed Heather back out to the jade hall and up a flight of stairs that led to a black marble hall.

"This is the King's floor." She explained. "All royal and authoritative matters happen on this floor." She pointed to the far left corner of the third floor. "His room is in the far corner. He will be expecting you. Soon. Follow me."


Lucian stood at the back of the room as he inspected himself in the mirror. His black and purple uniform fit perfectly to his body. The wide legged pants had purple seams down the sides which met with the purple sash he wore. The black vest fit snuggly over his black shirt which had a long tail that dropped behind him. The inside of which was a dark grey silver.

After ensuring that his outfit was properly fitted for the occasion, he glanced over at the pedestal. Sitting atop it was a small wooden box. As he lifted the lid, he found three different sized rings in it. He closed the lid and picked up the box before leaving the room.


"You did read all three manuals?" Heather asked.

"More than five times. I memorized every rule." Melanie replied.

"Then I think it's important that you know a few things that aren't written in the book."

"Like what?" She asked.

Heather sat across from Melanie and searched her mind for the best way to simplify the explanation required.
"Lord Drakkon is a kind man. He is a dominant man with dominant desires. Of that I am sure you know. However, what you may not know is that he comes from a long line of immortal dragons. His true form may be...startling."

"True form?" Melanie asked.

"It is something he will unveil to you when the time is right. However, what you need to remember is that after tonight you will be bound both by duty and by ceremonial contract to be his servant at all times." Heather ensured Melanie understood what she meant.

"I must call him by his title and obey him always." Melanie replied.

"Good. Secondly. Its important to know that you need to be open and honest with him and expect that he will do the same with you."

"He promised as much a couple days ago." Melanie nodded.

"The last thing is that from now on, you will be treated as a lady. As royalty. Everyone will bow to you in one form or another. Remember to be courteous and bow back."

Melanie nodded, even though she felt nervous, she felt ready and excited.
"Thank you Heather." She wrapped her in a hug and pulled her close.

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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