Chapter Eight: Sleepless

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Lucian landed at the back of the Roxy inn. His robe folded back into place and he walked into the front doors. The desk was manned by a middle aged woman with short red dyed hair and a lean face. She had thin rectangular glasses which were at the edge of her pointed nose as she read something on the computer screen. As the doors opened she hit the escape button and lowered her glasses. 

"Evening. What can I do for you?" She asked, a smile of red lip stick on her lips. 

"We need three rooms please. If you have it available." Lucian replied. 

"I'm sorry, I only have two open. There is a...convention, which has brought in a bit if business." She winked.

"Are you talking about that large building across town with the curtains in it?" 

Her face lit up with surprise. 
"Yes. Did you just come from there?" 

"We did. Is it only for the night?" 

"Yeah. The KCC happens only once a month on every third weekend." She sighed.

"You seem to know a bit about this KCC. Tell me something, how do I find out information on the attendance list?" 

"That is strictly KCC board information. Only they know about who went and who is who." 

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone on this board?" Lucian asked.

"Sorry. I don't." 

"That is alright. How much for the rooms?"

"Will that be for the night?" 

"Actually it'll be for five days. Please."
"Wow. Staying for some business then?" 

"Something like that yes. However I need to appropriate my business first." 

"Oh, well I wish you the best of luck. The total comes to five-fifty." 

Lucian reached into his black duffle bag and pulled out a small pouch. Using three fingers he withdrew seven gold coins and laid them out on the counter. 

"Please keep the change." He winked.

"H-Hey! This isn't money sir. I need money." 

Lucian looked at her with an expression of confusion. 
"This is seven hundred Mari. More than enough. What do you mean?" 

"Allow me sir." Marvin reached into his coat and pulled out six green bills. 

"Thank you." She replied and slid them into the cashier stand before handing him three room keys. Lucian slid the gold coins into the pouch and headed to his room.

"What is that you handed her?"

"This world's currency sir. Mari is not acceptable here." Marvin replied. 


By the time Kelly had gotten cleaned up and washed off and in, it was ten at night. Looking a little euphoric, she walked over to Melanie who was still pondering on how to find her mysterious Lucian Drakkon. 

"You look well used." Melanie said.

"Oh baby doll. I got well used and left out to dry. It was amazing." She giggled, licking her lips as if she could taste the remnants left behind. "How did you do?"

"I met a guy and-" 

"You did?" Kelly shouted happily. "What's his name? What did he look like? Is he tall?" 

"I umm...well he is tall. His name is Lucian." 

"Are you meeting him later?" Kelly asked.

"I uh...I'm not sure. I sort of ran away."

"What? Why? Dammit Melanie!" Kelly plopped down into the seat next to her. "I thought we agreed on you wanting this?"

"I do, I swear I do. I just got flustered."

"Tell me you got his number?" 

Melanie blushed and shook her head.
"What are we going to do with you?" 

"Check these out!" The bar tender slapped three different photos onto the counter.

"What's this Brandi?" Melanie asked.

"So I had security pull up the footage of the guy who checked in as Lucian. Somehow he didn't pay the entry fee, but I think this is same guy."

Melanie looked at the photos and nodded.
"It's him." She said.

"Good. Because I reached out to a friend who goes here and is also on the CWPD."

"You called the police on him?" Melanie asked, eyes wide with shock.

"No. Well yes, but not like that. They are putting a B.O.L on him and if anyone sees him they'll call me and I will call you." Brandi winked. "I take care of my friends sugar."

Melanie leaned over the counter and hugged Brandi. 
"Thanks Brandi." 

"No worries. Now go home and get some rest. I'll give you a call." 

Melanie nodded and looked to Kelly who looked even more surprised than she did. 

"Looks like you made a friend." 

"I did. I met a guy and made a friend. I'd call that progress." Melanie smiled with pride. 

"Though you didn't get his number, but yeah it's progress I suppose." Kelly shrugged.

"Hey! I have the police looking for him. That's almost better than a number." 

"Sure. It also puts you on the stalker list too." Kelly smirked.

"Its not stalking if I'm not the one doing it. Brandi is." Melanie chuckled.

Kelly cocked her head to the side and thought it over. "I suppose you have a point." 

"Damn straight. Now let's go home. I'm tired."

"Its only ten." Kelly replied.

"Yeah? And I'm usually asleep by nine."

"You are like a forty five year old in a twenty year old body." Kelly shook her head and pulled the keys from her purse. "C'mon grandma. Let's get you home." 

Melanie frowned and waved to Brandi as they walked out. 


(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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