Chapter Fifty Eight: Pride and Pleasure

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It had taken Leonardo the better part of three weeks to grow accustomed to his new station. Brandi, administrative assistant to the Queen, had risen in rank and stature as well as work load. Her dreams of the VKC was still firmly in her mind at all times. However, with the city in a state of repair. There was little room for a new building to be built.

Leonardo had been given the title of captain amongst the private sector guard. Though his job remained as Brandi's personal protector. Their relationship as royalty and guard had flourished and blossomed. On a single evening two weeks prior, Brandi had been masturbating to know success.

Her every climax had failed and the desired pleasures of penetration had left her feeling empty and aroused. At that moment she had simply needed to feel the fullness of a cock. However, it had grown into something far more than that. The chimera guard fell to his knees before his protected.

Using his rough feline tongue he licked Brandi's moist pussy up and then down. The flat of his large pink tongue covered her entire pussy in a single stroke.

"Oh yes." She whined, combing her fingers through his large soft bronze mane. With each stroke of his strong tongue against her swollen clitoris her climax grew higher. Leo growled in pleasure. His own arousal growing ever stronger as he tasted her precum. Using just the tip of his tough pink tongue he paddled her clitoris with stiff strokes.

"Oh fuck! Right there! Oh...don't stop...oh!" Her head fell back and her hips went up as the orgasm rushed forward.

"Cumming." She moaned and arched up.


The sound of the leather tails striking against her skin reverberated off the walls along with her moans. Streaks of broken blood vessels marred her ass cheeks as Maalceus skillfully flogged her for no other purpose than his own pleasure. Though like any good masochist, Kelly drank in the pain with exuberance.

Maalceus' erection was stiff and straight, like it always was when he heard his slave's moans. The continuous trickle of cum that leaked from her pussy puddled on the floor where it steamed.

"What are you?" He snarled.

"A slave...master!" She said between painfully orgasmic moans.

"Who's slave?" He shouted.

"Yours master! I'm yours!" She cried out as he flogged her harder.

Maalceus lashed out faster and harder leaving deep stripes against her red flesh.

"Oh fuck!" She whined.


Brandi breathed out her pleasure before rising up and pulling away Leo's uniform. His chest and shoulder plate fell away in one piece. His black uniform top untied at the sides and joined the armor. The hip, thigh and shin guards fell away just as quickly and Brandi took her time as she pulled down his black pants.

Leo's lion body extended all the way to his hips where it shifted into the legs of a horse. His large hooves clomped on the stone floor as he stepped free of his pants. The snake tail he kept concealed hissed with delight as her touch. What Brandi had found herself more entranced with, was the massive equine cock that hung from his legs.

His tan phallus was nearly as thick as her wrist and as long as her forearm. The bulbous head swelled and dripped out thick translucent semen which she lapped up greedily. Leo widened his stance and watched as his royal woman began stroking him with hands and tongue.


Maalceus returned the floggers to their stands and lowered Kelly. With as much ease as lifting a stick from the ground, he raised her body up and set her onto a different piece of furniture. Kelly, lost in her masochistic subspace barely felt the cold metal against her hot skin. Only the sound of her restraints getting tightened brought her consciousness back to the present.

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