Chapter Eleven: A Walk in the woods

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"Where is your car?" Melanie asked as they walked out into the parking lot.

"We did not come with a vehicle." Lucian replied.

"You've been paying for a taxi this whole time?"

"Taxi?" Marvin asked. "Is that like a mode of transportation?" 

"Yeah." She arched her brow. "Where are you from?" 

"A very long ways away from here." Lucian replied.

He sniffed the air and followed her natural strawberry scent to a single seater motorized scooter. "This is your mode of transportation?"

"Yeah. It's my scooter. Doesn't go very fast but it gets me places." She shrugged. 

"Sir, where did you want to go?" Heather asked. 

Melanie opened her mouth to respond but then decided against it. Lucian knew what she wanted and a part of him did too. 

"I will meet you both back at the inn before sun down." 

Marvin and Heather both stiffened in response. 
"Sir, you promised you wouldn't ditch us." 

"Nor am I." Lucian replied. "As your lord, I am ordering you two, to take the day off." 

Marvin and Heather looked at one another and before either of them could protest further. Lucian reached into Marvin's jacket and pulled free five green bills. 

"If I see either of you before the sun reaches the horizon, I will personally reprimand you when we return."

Both Marvin and Heather fell to a kneeling bow before him. Heads lowered. 
"Yes my lord." They replied.

"Good. Have a good day." He turned away and started walking off.

"Are you really going to punish them if they follow us?" Melanie whispered.

"Nah." He chuckled. "They are the best guards in my palace. There isn't anyone better to replace them with."  He laughed as they walked towards the scooter.

"So where is it you wanted to go?" He asked. 

"Oh, I thought you might enjoy the lake. It is a nice place for us to go and maybe talk alone."

Lucian looked over the seat of the scooter and wondered how it would work.
"Have a seat. Is it okay if I ride in your lap?" Melanie blushed. 

"My lap has been waiting for you to sit on it for a long time." He winked and drank in her smile.

She sat on his lap and started up the scooter. Wrapping his arms around her lean waist he could feel her toned body and imagined how smooth her skin felt. Melanie blushed when she felt a pressure pulse under her butt cheek. As she moved the scooter out of the parking lot, she wiggled her ass against his pulsating harness and blushed.

Lucian looked out over the forest around them. Thick lush oaks and pines were scattered around. At just under twenty five miles an hour, they drove around the city and took a curving back road that opened out into a hidden parking lot. Melanie got up and Lucian got up after. As she kicked the metal stand out, she noticed the hardness that had popped a tent in his black pants.

A part of her wished he would order her to go down on him. To relieve the stiffness between his legs. However, she respected how he kept his dominance confined. He looked over the lake and smiled. The lake was large and had a clear definition to it that even the brightest oceans lacked.
"Come on. Let's go for a walk." She said and headed down to the mulch path that led to a wooden bridge that crossed over the weeded area of the land inaccessible for boaters. 

"Lucian? You told me last night that you were looking for someone like me. What did you mean?" 

Lucian looked at the wooden bridge and noticed the tall fluffy cat tails that stood up from the sides. Their brown sausage like bodies bent in the cool breeze that blew off the lake. 

"I am looking you called it...a submissive. A woman who is willing to serve me. Who wants to be my...well my servant. Willing to do what I need and what I say. Go where I go and do what I do when I say." He sighed. "I know it sounds a little...degrading. even when I say it, I feel like I am-"

"It doesn't sound degrading." Melanie interrupted. "It sounds wonderful." She blushed. 

"Really?" He asked. 

"Yeah. To me, being someone's special person. The one they turn to for anything, day or night, sounds...well it sounds like my fantasy." She wrapped her arm around his and for the first time, she realized how muscular and strong he was. "What will you be requiring from this servant?" She asked. "Cleaning? Cooking? Organizing?"

"Actually I have a palace full of staff for that. What I really need, is a woman who will be at my side when I call upon her and be able to...umm...abide by my specified requirements when I need them."

"Oh? And what would those requirements be?" She smirked. "Be honest with me. I can handle it."

Lucian combed his fingers through his hair and sighed. 
"Honestly? I want a woman I can own. A woman I can have on a leash. To wear a collar and show everyone that she belongs to me. That is what I want." 

Melanie paused and stopped walking. Her gaze met his and she could see the honest sincerity behind his words. Lucian looked down at her and wondered if she would walk away. If she wasn't ready for the commitment he desired.

"You mean it? You want to own her? Make her your servant?" Melanie asked.

"Yes. I do mean it." 

"Good." She smiled. "I want that." 

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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