Chapter Twelve: Truth

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"You are a king? Like a full royal King?" Melanie asked.

"Yes. I am the fifth ruler of my kingdom."

"What kingdom? Where did you come from?" 

"I came from Vervania. A country that resides at the edge of the opal sea."

"Opal sea? Veranda? I've never heard of these places. Are you even from this world?" She chuckled. When he didn't laugh in return, her chuckles died. 

"I came from a world beyond yours." Lucian replied. 

"You can't be serious. Right?" She asked. 

"I am serious. Yesterday I came through a portal and I-" he sighed as he leaned up and raised his arm. "-watch." He gestured to his hand and Melanie looked at his hand with an expression of confusion. Her face shifted from confused to awestruck as the skin on his hand changed.

From a pecan tan shade, the skin shifted to a dark purple. The veins became black as did his nails. Then, the skin on his hand began flaking, each flake turned into a scale that hardened into place. Melanie looked away from his hand and then met his grinning gaze.

"You aren't even human. Are you?"

"No, I am not." He exhaled letting the human flesh retake his scaled hand. "You wanted the truth. I won't hold anything back." Lucian said.

A hundred questions bounced around her mind. Each one fought to expel itself before the other. 
"W-What are you?" She asked.

"I am the King of Vervania. We discussed this."

No, sorry. I mean, what do you look like?" 

"Oh. Well I normally look like this but in my true state...I am a lot bigger." 

"How much bigger?" She asked.

"Hard to explain. It is something you'll have to see." 

Melanie nodded and tried to sift through the dozens of other questions that bounced around her addled mind.  

"Do you...are you...wait, if you're a king, do you have a queen? Are you married?"

"No. I am not married and no there is no queen. That is kind of where you would come in."

"Me? A Queen?" She laughed. 

"You would sit at my side during royal demonstration. But you would still be my servant." Lucian explained. 

Melanie went wide eyed as she realized just what she might be getting herself into.
" you want me to be your sex servant too?" She asked.

"Yes. I want a woman who will submit to my everything. I mean...everything." he let his voice trail off into a low growl. 

Melanie blushed and nodded. 'This is what I have been wanting. Just because he isn't from earth doesn't mean he isn't the perfect master.' She told herself. 

"If you are king, why don't you just order someone to fill this position? Aren't there a line of women lining up for this position?" 

"I don't want to force anyone to be my slave. I have been looking for a woman who wants to willingly be my servant." 

Melanie blushed and nodded. Knowing he didn't like forcing others into positions they didn't want to made her feel more comfortable. 

"And you really want to be my servant?" He asked. "You are okay with submitting to me in all ways?" 

Melanie looked into his garnet gaze and forced a firm and long moment of eye contact. She could see just how much he wanted her to be honest and truthful. A thought came to her mind. One that she had not considered before. 

"Lucian?" She asked. "Can I show you something?" 

"Of course." He replied. 

"We will have to go to my place to get it, but I think you'll appreciate it when you see it." She got up and started walking. "To answer your question, yes I want to be your servant. I...I can't quite explain it yet but there is something about you I feel like I can trust." Melanie said, walking beside him as they made their way back to the scooter.

"I want-" she blushed as she tried to get the words to come out. Only one person had ever known about her true inner desires. Well, now that Brandi knew too, that made two people. "-I want to be a dominated slave."

Lucian broke his even pace for a moment when he heard her say the words that he never thought anyone would say to him. 

"Ever since I was about sixteen, I had this deep longing to feel someone take control of me. To really, own me. It's kind of hard to explain it." Melanie said as she tried to hide her blush and embarrassment. 

"You have no idea how long I have been looking for a woman like you to say those words." Lucian replied. "I have met with nearly one thousand women, maybe more. Honestly I lost count years ago. None of them had the desire to be what you do. None of them wanted to be at my side."

Melanie paused for a moment, feeling what he was saying sink in.  'He turned down a thousand women?' She asked herself. 'What is it about me?' 

"You are one in a thousand, Melanie Rivers. A beautiful soul, willing to submit." 

She blushed and glanced away. Never had anyone called her beautiful and noone had ever given her the attention that he did.
"What sort of activities would you want from me?" She asked. "I mean, I am open to most things."

"What if I told you I want you to be my sex slave?" He asked. "If I want to lead you around with a collar and chain and use you whenever and wherever I want. No matter who is around. How would you feel?"

Melanie's mouth answered him faster than her brain had the chance to properly process his question.
"Yes, please." She replied and then went wide eyed. She had not intended on sounding so eager, even though she was, she didn't want to come off as desperately slutty.

Lucian nodded his head, a slight grin on his face. 
"What if I bound you to the wall and teased you until you begged for release?" He asked.

Melanie remembered a bondage video she had seen a year prior. A woman was latched to the wall as a man used various toys to torture her until she pleaded for him to let her cum. She remembered feeling completely aroused at the idea.

"I would love that." She replied. "How has no one submitted to you yet? I don't understand." Melanie sighed. "Though I am glad they didn't, otherwise I would not have met you."
"People in my kingdom are not too thrilled about the prospect of servitude. Plenty of them arrive to fulfill the position but none of them want it." He explained.

"Wait, people apply for this position all the time?" She asked. 

"Yes. They are forced to do so by their families and by duty." 

"But you don't hire them? Why?" 

Lucian stopped at the end of the wooden bridge and looked out over the Clearwater lake. The trees were full and green. The water was clear as glass. So clear that when he looked down he could see the turtles and fish swimming at the bottom ten feet down. He looked back at Melanie and met her eyes.

"Because I do not accept people who are willing to give up their dreams and lives for others. All of my warriors, soldiers and staff. They all enjoy their job. They all wanted those positions."

"What about the ones that don't but apply for them anyway?" 

"I send them to a place they want to be. In my position as King, I can do just about anything and make anything happen. Do you know what I do with all that power?"

Melanie shook her head slowly, not breaking eye contact with him as he spoke. 

"I make dreams come true." He smiled. "I want my kingdom to be ruled with happiness and desires. If people sacrifice their lives for something they don't want, I seek to ensure they get back on the road that leads to their dreams."

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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