Chapter Fifty Two: Lightning Strike

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The border guards were scattered like leaves in the wind. The massive bolt of lightning had blown down the gate and a piece of the large stone wall went with it. Chunks of rock and metal were thrown out knocking down guards and innocent citizens who had been nearby.

Disoriented and unorganized, the guards and commanding officials were slow to rise against the onslaught of Vikara warriors who had been raised from their ashen graves. Dozens of Vikara warriors spilled in through the gates. Crude weapons slashed and hacked at the fallen guards.

"Waste not on the fallen! Spread into the city!" General Kuraya screamed.

His warriors dashed into the streets spreading out wide and far. Citizens, unaware but on alert had little time to react as viscious blades and jagged claws came down upon them. General Kuraya stalked over the dead and dying city defenses. A captain of the border guard, bleeding from a gash where a rock had penetrated his armor, stood up and took the offensive.

Drunk of blood lust and rejuvenated life, the Vikara General had no thoughts of losing or even being harmed in battle. He launched in, broad sword leading the way and hit the captain hard. The human warrior, with only one arm to block with could not withstand the fury of the revived Vikara.

The large broad sword swept through the captain, cleaving his arm off in a single slash.

"I shall feast upon you and ever shall I grow." Kuraya snarled and bit down upon the captain. The General's thick green skin darkened and grew as did his body.


Lucian had taken to the skies only a few heart beats after the lightning had struck. His dark black wings unfolded from his back and lifted him up into the air. Melanie wanted to grab him but he was already out of reach before she thought about it.

"My Queen. Please return to your chambers. I can readily defend you from within there." Joona said in a demanding voice.

Melanie looked at Joona who stepped back slightly. Melanie's sapphire blue eyes shifted to a near indigo. Her rounded black pupils thinned and elongated into oval slivers. Her pale skin further deepened to an almost pearlescent pale color, like the glaciers that resided beyond the mountains to the north.

"Where is Brandi and Kelly?"


Brandi spun around in her seat and looked out the back window. She could see people standing in the streets talking about what might have happened. To her horror as well as theirs, the answer to that arrived over the hill. Staggered groups of pale green skinned Vikara charged through the streets.

The people, unprepared and unaware of the threat, scrambled away too late. Crude blades and weapons tore through their necks and bodies. Arterial blood spewed up and over the Vikara who seemed only to grow a little faster and darker skinned. Brandi was helpless as she watched the dead and dying get eaten.

"No! Run!" Brandi screamed.

Leo grabbed Brandi by the shoulders and pulled her into him. She buried her face into his mane sobbing. His large furry fingered paws held her tight. Every ounce of the warrior within him wanted to fight the Vikara but his duty was to protect Brandi.

He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the sounds of screams and death that his keen ears picked up through the padded sides of the wagon. Then, without warning. The wagon lurched to a halt. Brandi, wide teary eyed and afraid, looked at Leo who's emerald green eyes narrowed in wary concern. The front door of the wagon opened and then the side door.

The driver. Wielding a short ax and club ushered them out.

"The wagon won't make it in time. If I had charged it up before we left we would've been fine. your lives rest on me. You must run. I will hold them off." The driver shook nervously though his face was steeled with courage.

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