Chapter Forty Seven: Chimera

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Melanie descended the ladder. Her breaths came heavy and strained as the surges of pleasure wracking her body only grew more intense. She had shed her clothes up in the room leaving them in a pile at the foot of the chest. When she turned to face the dungeon room, she found her lord sitting upon a large chair.

One arm holding his head up and the other slowly stroking his massive erection. Melanie rushed across the room and fell to the cushion between his muscular legs.

"I'm sorry for making you wait master. Never again." She said in a tone dripping with earnest apology.

Melanie didn't wait, she could sense her master's desire. She could almost see what she wanted him to do. Leaning into his thighs she unfurled her tongue and licked up his thick shaft. Not wanting to waste the precum that had started dripping down from his swollen head. She lapped it up greedily.

The bitter sweet taste was addicting. Something she could enjoy for hours at a time. Lucian groaned with pleasure, watching his slave lick up his translucent semen as she sat on her knees before him. The feel of her touch brought his arousal to new heights. Just her presence brought him a heightened measure of arousal.

Melanie traced her tongue up to the tip and then slowly wrapped her lips around him. A sense of satisfaction embraced her as she took in his cock. Even just the first few inches was enough to make her appreciate her position as his slave. His slutty fuck toy.

Melanie leaned up and started sucking him harder, turning and twisting her tongue around his sensitive head. Lucian's hand went to her head and gently he combed his fingers through her silvery white hair which still had a few streaks of black in it.

'Yes master. Use me. I'm your toy.' She thought at him. Melanie had not idea that her unspoken words though echoed into his mind like a shout. Lucian smiled and tangled his fingers into her hair.


Joona led Brandi across the mile long courtyard where they came upon a large man. He was shorter than Joona but a few inches taller than Brandi. He wore the same uniform of black and silver. Though unlike Joona who carried a long sword at her back. This guard had a sizeable war hammer.

One end of the hammer was a broad headed piked-ax while the other was the polished flat head of a hammer. He turned abruptly and looked at Joona. His green eyes peirced the shadows of his helmet like twin emeralds. Unlike the other guards, his helmet opened up giving room for two long horns that curled up and over his head.

"Sir. My name is Brandi, a friend of the queen."

The man looked from Brandi to Joona who was walking without her helmet on. He knew, just as well as anyone else that it was a risk to reveal a half-breed. Even within the protection of the palace gates. His attention snapped back to Brandi when she spoke further.

"Joona has informed me of your unique distinction. The Queen would like to see for herself."

His green eyes narrowed slightly, unsure of what the intent behind the request would be.

"Pardon me Ms. Brandi. But I am not one for displaying myself for show, if it's all the same to you I'd rather remain as I am." He spoke in a deep gravelly voice.

Joona stepped forward and looked down into his green gaze.

"Leonardo. Trust us. This isn't the Queen asking you to parade yourself for her amusement."

"Then why? What could the Queen want with a half...a person like me?"

"If you do not trust the Queen's intent then so be it." Brandi replied and turned on her heels. "I shall inform her lady that you were not fit for the position."

The Dragon King's Servantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن