Chapter Sixteen: Lingering

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"T-Thank you." She said, taking his hand as she got up and then looked around for the fallen books. When she saw the neatly stacked books at his feet she looked at Lucian with a puzzled expression.

" did you-"

"Quick reflexes. Are you alright though?" 

"Yes. I just tripped over my dress." She tugged at her avocado green dress made from recycled material which hung down to the tips of her flat shoes. Her long frizzy brown hair was bound together with a bright green hair band that matched her green round framed lenses.

"Was there something I can help you find?" She asked.

"Not particularly. I saw your shop and I had to come in." He replied. 

"A lover of books?" She asked, looking him up and then down. 

"Yes. I find myself reading more often than not in my spare time." 

'I would've guessed you spent most of your time at the gym.' She thought to herself, picking up the books from the floor. 

"Well if you need any assistance please, don't hesitate." She smiled as she made her way to the appropriate section to put away the books. 


Kelly parked the car in front of the Roxy inn which was not the nicest looking place to stay but it wasn't the worst. 

"Do you know which room he is in?" 

"Yeah. C'mon. I'm sure he's here." Melanie said as they walked in and turned down the hall. She knocked on the door and heard a bunch of rustling before the door opened and Marvin stood at the entrance with a towel wrapped around himself.

"My lord! I-" he paused when he saw Melanie and Kelly standing there. Kelly glanced at Marvin and then at the woman who was obviously naked in the bed doing her best to get dressed under the covers. 

"I see we caught you at a bad time." Kelly winked. Melanie blushed and took a step back. 

"D-do you know where Lucian is?" 

"No. He left a little while ago." 

"I see. Well we will just mosey on our way then." Kelly smiled and pulled the door closed.

"Any idea where he might have gone?"

Melanie thought about what little she knew about him and then thought about what she might do if she was on that side of town. 

"I think I have an idea." Melanie said and hurried out to the car and jumped into the driver's seat. "Keys please." 

"Who died and made you queen?" 

"Just give me the keys and take bitch seat."

Kelly frowned and tossed the keys to Melanie who started the car and drove off. It was only a five minute drive to the store where she parked along the street.

"Lorey's books?" Kelly asked.

"Yep. I bet he's in here." Melanie said, putting the car in park. "Let's go." 

Kelly got out and followed her into the store and immediately, they found Lucian sitting in a chair reading a fantasy novel. A particularly romantic fantasy novel for which Melanie had read more than once. Slipping his finger into the book, he closed it and looked up at them with a smile.

"Your strawberry aroma is so very lovely." He said. 

"Aroma?" Melanie sniffed herself and caught Kelly sniffing her too. "I don't wear perfume." 

"Oh no, it isn't a fake scent produced by chemicals. It's" Lucian replied.

"I think you might like this one too, it's very-" Lorey paused as she walked around the corner carrying another fantasy novel that belonged to a different series.

"Oh, hey Melanie. Kelly, what brings you in?"

"We are here for him actually." Melanie pointed at Lucian. 

"You both know one another?" Lorey asked.

"Yeah, you could say that." Melanie blushed.

Lucian stood, directing the attention towards him as he noticed Melanie's uncomfortability with the growing situation. 

"Do you have the entire collection of this series?" He asked, handing the book back to Lorey. 

"I-I do. Yes." She lifted the other book in her hand. "Did you want to read a little of this one too?" 

"Lorey, your judgment on books seems to be outstanding. I will trust in your literary tastes and take both collections of series. I'd much enjoy to-" he glanced at Melanie with a smirk on his face as he continued; "-sink my teeth, into a new series." 

Melanie felt the heat from between her thighs rise as her heartbeat skipped a beat.
Kelly bit the edge of her lip, imagining his teeth sinking into her shoulder as he rammed her from behind. 

"I'll go get them." Lorey replied, a little flush in the face as she hurried off. 

"What brings you here? I thought you needed some time?" He asked. 

Melanie couldn't shake the sexual magnetism that burned off his presence like ash from a fire. Every breath she took only clogged her senses further. She tried to shake away the euphoria but couldn't stop the expanding moisture that was collecting in her panties. 

"We needed to or I mean, I needed to talk to you." Melanie replied. 

"Oh no, definitely we." Kelly stepped up from behind Melanie. 

"That is good to hear. Where would you like to go?" He asked. "I really do not know of good places to talk around here." 

"We thought the KCC would be a good place to go back to." Melanie said. 

From behind Lucian, Lorey walked up with two bags of books. He turned and looked Lorey in the eyes. Her soft walnut brown eyes went unfocused as she met his garnet gaze. 

"Thank you, very much. I can't tell you how long it has been since I have enjoyed the company of a fellow literary lover. I look forward to reading these books. How much will that be?" He asked.

Lorey didn't respond at first, her eyes and mind were lost in a fantasty of her own that had taken hold of her mentality. 

"How much?" She asked as though she didn't understand the words, then she snapped back to reality. "O-oh. Right. Sorry. Its uhh...forty even." She replied, passing him the books.

Lucian reached into his robe and withdrew a fifty dollar bill. 
"Here you go my dear." He handed her the money. She looked at it, still dazed and confused.

"I'll get you your change." She said, but before she could leave she felt his hand at her wrist. Lorey turned and looked up at him.

"Please, keep the change. You've been of great help." Lucian picked up the bags and nodded to her before looking at Melanie.

"Shall we?" He asked.

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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