Chapter Nine: Scuffle

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When Melanie got up the next morning, she felt groggy and a little tired. She glanced over at her clock and found it was six in the morning. She rolled over but to her dismay her brain had become active. Thoughts of Lucian and KCC worked their way into her mind. 'It's far too early for this.' She sighed silently and sat up.

'Chapter one of book two; a proper submissive must always be ready.' Accepting that policy as truth, she got up and immediately smelt the scent of pancakes and eggs. Her parents should've been at work and her siblings should've been at school. Slipping into a red night gown with lace at the bottom. She walked down stairs and into the kitchen and stopped.

Neither her siblings nor her parents were at the stove, rather it was Lucian. Wearing his black robe and cooking perfectly browned pancakes that had been evenly cooked on both sides. He turned to her and smiled. 

"I see you are awake. I hope it isn't too early?" He said, flipping a pancake over with ease. 

"N-No sir." She replied.

"Good. Sit." He commanded in a smooth voice that was as deep as the ocean but as gentle as a calm lake tide. Unable to deny him, she sat down at the table and waited as he laid out three pancakes and drizzled syrup onto them. 

"How did you know where I'd be?" She asked. 

"A master always knows where to find his slave." He said before he set down the spatula and turned off the oven.

Melanie didn't notice him move away from the counter until she felt his hands on her bare shoulders. Picking up the fork from the plate she cut out a small piece of the pancake and ate it. The light and fluffy pancake was softer than a donut and lighter than a crossaint. 

"Is it good? Do you like master's cooking?" He asked, hands still on her naked shoulders. 

"Yes sir, I do."  She replied. "Will you be eating too?" 

"Yes." His voice took on a tone of deep fluctuating pitches that all vibrated simultaneously. "I think I will have a bite."

Melanie looked over her shoulder to see his head had been replaced by massive draconic jaws and a snout of scales. Thick fangs curled out and she screamed as he bit down upon her neck. 

Melanie sprang away gasping for air. She looked around her room realizing that she was alone and in the attic. Her head hit the pillow with a soft wet squish. She sat up to find that it was not only the pillow but her bedding and sheets were damp with sweat.

As her legs brushed against one another she found that it was not just her outside that had been wet, but so were her insides. She opened her legs and found that her vagina had opened up as though it had expected penetration. Gathering up her clothes and bedding, she changed it out for clean and dry fabric.

When she looked at the clock she found it was just before three in the morning. She flopped back onto the bed and back onto the pillow which she then realized hadn't been changed out. 


(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

The Dragon King's ServantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora