Chapter Twenty Five: Pastries

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Brandi, Kelly and Lynx got in the first carriage while Melanie and Lucian got in another. The inside of the vehicle was spacious, enough for four people easily. The leather seats were cushioned and molded to the shape of the person sitting. Melanie had never experienced something so comfortable and so strange.

The vehicles pulled away from the palace with no more noise than an electric scooter. The metal wheels were the only considerable noise. Melanie looked out the window at the trees and forest vegetation. So consumed with the sights, she didn't see Lucian get out from his seat until his face was between her legs. 

"What? My Lord I-" her words fell away as his lips touched her inner thighs as they made their way down to her labia. His tongue parted her lips and began lapping at her pussy which opened up for him on command. 

"Oh my lord." She whined as his tongue slid into her canal. In place of his tongue, slid his middle and ring finger. Slowly he pressed and rubbed against the underside of her clitoris within her canal. Her eyes went wide as his mouth curled over her clitoris allowing his tongue to flog her sensitive fleshy bead. 

"Oh fuck. Master..." she moaned as her climax shot up. Lucian groaned happily, feeling the walls of her pussy tightened around his fingers. Melanie tried to hush her voice but between the dual sensations she could not resist the urge to shout.

"Fuck I am going to cum."

"No you're not." He commanded. "You will cum only when I allow it."

Her eyes rolled back into her skull as another orgasmic wave hit her. 'Fuck yes!' She thought. 'I'm yours.' She shouted mentally. 

"You belong to me." He growled.

"Yes master." She whined, forcing down another urge to orgasm. Each one was building up on the other. Still he didn't relent as he sucked, flogged and teased her clitoris from above and below. 

"Master! I don't think I can hold it." She moaned.

Then, the carriage came to a stop and he pulled away. Melanie looked at him, wide eyed, frustrated and more aroused then she had ever been.

"We will continue this later." He smiled and opened the door.

"Yes my lord." Melanie replied and got out. 

As they stepped out of the carriage, they all looked at the city with wide surprised eyes. The buildings were made from a variety of materials. Some brick and others wood. Some were long and others tall. Some had been built up at an angle while others were rounded and ovaluar.

People wandered through the city. All were dressed in an array of fashion. There was more individuality than any of them had ever seen in one single place. The longer they looked, the more they realized that not everyone had flesh. Some had fur, others scales and some had thick leathery skin of different colors.

There were beings with long ears and no ears. Tall beings with lanky arms and short ones with overly large heads. Melanie glanced over at Kelly and smirked.

"You are thinking of what they have in their pants? Aren't you?" She asked.

"What? No!" Kelly chuckled but it was obvious to read the truth on her face. Kelly was imaging all of their cocks. Wondering what they looked like and felt like. She just couldn't help but want to test them all.

"Come. Let me give you the grand tour." Lynx said as he took the front of the group. 

Brandi stepped back to Lucian and looked up at him. 
"So, how does someone start owning a business?" She asked. 

"Well, it starts out with purchasing a space or having one built but there are plenty of spaces available for sale right now. Then a permit for business has to be bought. After that it is just getting your business set up."

"Does a permit have to be updated every year?" Brandi asked, "and what is the price for renting spaces?" 

"Yes, there is a renewal for a permit but it doesn't cost anything." He gestured to a clothing shop across from them. "These shops come in at the end of every week and drop off one tenth of their products to us and then we send them to our alliances over seas who pay almost double for it and that is how rent is done. Those who don't have product to give end up giving Mari. But it all equals out in the end." 

Brandi nodded, surprised at how relaxed everything was. 
"How much to buy an available shop?" 

"Depends. There are many different sized shops. As you can see." He gestured to the buildings around them.

Brandi pointed to a shop that was not huge but it wasn't as small as the clothing shop they had passed. 
"Something like that?" She asked.

"Somewhere around three hundred or four hundred Mari." Lucian replied.

Her eyes went wide and she suddenly felt a little discouraged. At forty Mari a month, it would take her several months to save up for that price. Brandi wanted to introduce the world to kink and community but if a single level shop barely big enough for a bar costed seven months of her total pay, she could never afford something larger. 

"I have invested interest in this business but we will have to talk more. For now, just enjoy the city." He winked. 

They looked at the shops as Lynx explained the history of the city. How the laws were set up and how the layout of the city was crucial to the defense of the city and kingdom. As they arrived at a bakery, the smell of the pastries drew them all in. A trio of elven ladies worked behind the wooden counter as they prepared orders and bagged sweet treats for the customers that walked in.

Their oak colored skin made their blonde hair stand out like the sun on a cloudy day. 

"Welcome in! Welcome in!" The tallest elf said as she waved them in. Her golden brown eyes went wide when she saw that the King was with the group. Everyone in the shop stopped and nodded their head to him in respect. Lucian bobbed his head up and down. It took Melanie a moment to realize that they were not just doing it to him, but also to her. She smiled and nodded back. 

"What an honor. What brings our King to our humble shop?" The woman asked. 

"Pastries for my friends and whatever my Queen would like." Lucian said as he laid out two gold coins on the table. 
Kelly and Melanie looked over the glass stand, inspecting the pastries, cookies and bars that were lined up. 

"I'll take that one." Kelly pointed to a sugar glazed flakey pastry. 

"Could I have one of those fruity bars?" Brandi asked. 

"I'll take whatever you think is best." Melanie said. 

"As you wish My Lady." The elvish woman said as she reached into the shelf and pulled out the pastries. "And for you My Lord?" 

"I will take a crisp. Thank you." 

"Right away sir." She pulled out a multilayered bar that had been baked until the sides and top were crisp. 
"Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day." The trio of elvish women waved.

(Thank you for reading, if you want to  read the full chapter and book, you can order it in Amazon or go to Draft2Digital for the Ebook.)

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