Chapter Fifty Six: Icy Coffin

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The Kingdom of Vervania sat on the edge of ruin. Shops, lives and houses had been destroyed. Wounds far more grave than the physical had been marred into the citizens. The healers had swept through the city within the first hours after the chaos. Many lives were saved but far more had been taken. Days passed by like weeks and weeks passed by like years.

Masons rebuilt the wall and improved its structure. Aeronauts cleaned the streets away of the ashes and dust that littered the cobblestone. Citizens assisted one another as houses, stores and lives were rebuilt. News of their King's death drifted quickly and the time for mourning drew near. Except for Melanie and her friends.


Maalceus paced the chamber, ten steps one way and ten steps the other way. Kelly, Melanie and Brandi along with their two guards sat at the table. Melanie looked calm and cold. Not nearly as cold as General Lin who made winter seem like a warm vacation. Melanie though had suffered a mortal wound to her being.

Not any that could be seen on the surface but it was evident in her eyes and aura. Her silvery white hair and piercing indigo blue eyes were indicative of what her soul reflected. Melanie Rivers, now Queen Drakkon of Vervania, had lost some of her warmth. Her smiles were less bright and her gaze was far colder.

Her pale pearlescent skin had the slightest hint of pink but she looked more like a pristine porcelain doll than a person.

"What is taking him so long?" Maalceus grumbled as he paced the room.

Kelly, her dark tan skin had the slightest signs of cracks along it. Her candy corn colored hair hung down to her lower back where it swayed gently. Steam rose up from her skin every so often, revealing her daemon essence that burned within her. The half human, quarter dragon and quarter daemon woman had settled into herself.

Though she had been claimed by Maalceus, they had yet to bond together. A ceremony that occurred when a royal dragon claimed a mate. However, the loss of their King had stalled that. Kelly's fiery eyes flicked over to Maalceus who turned and paced in the opposite direction.

Her transition had done nothing to lessen her libido which burned almost more than it had when she was human.

"I am sure he is signing more documents. There is much to be done still." Brandi answered though she too was feeling antsy.

"Documents can wait." Maalceus replied evenly. "My brother's life hangs in the balance."

"Might I remind you that the kingdom is still in shambles. The city is recovering from ruin. We are not the only ones mourning." Melanie replied coldly.

Without warning, the door opened and Lynx walked in. The feline advisor sighed as he closed the door and locked it. He turned to face the room, bowed to the queen and then to Maalceus before taking a seat. Maalceus walked back over to his seat beside Kelly who rested a hand on his thigh.

He didn't move when her fingers slid over to his bulging crotch. Maalceus was irritated by the slow progress that had been made over the last couple weeks. Even with his irritation, his desire to use his willing slave had not diminished in the least. Kelly enjoyed his brand of use and pleasure.

So much so that she almost considered being monogamous. Though they had not fully agreed to that yet. Kelly ran her fingers along his growing erection and smirked.

"It has been two months. We can't wait much longer." Maalceus spoke, his usual calm and controlled voice returned but there was a hint of anger boiling beneath.

"In his current state his body won't rot or degrade." Lynx replied and gestured to Melanie. "My lady's crystal ice keeps his body in pristine condition."

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