Chapter Fifty One: Catastrophe

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Leo sat in the carriage with Brandi as they rode down to the city. People along the streets waved and moved out of the path.

"It feels so strange still." She said absently.

"Ma'am?" Leo asked.

"Sorry. I mean all of this royalty stuff. Obviously I am not royalty but when people realize that I stay in the palace they all look at me as if I am...I don't know, more than they are." She shrugged unable to find the correct term she was looking for.

"I know what you mean." Leo replied, his voice a throaty growl. "The guards I worked beside now all look at me as if...I'm different."

"Better kind of different?" Brandi asked.

Leo shrugged. "Hard to say. I did not converse with my fellow guardsmen often. They knew what I was."

"Thankfully with the Queen and King at our backs we have a full reassurance. Have you enjoyed the switch though?" Brandi asked, watching his furry emotions as his lion head tilted in thought.

Leonardo thought about it for a moment. He had no idea what being in the private guard sector would bring. Though being a guard patrol had offered him little excitement but during his week of private sector he found himself more busy.

"Yes." He flashed his fangs happily. "While it isn't quite what I expected, it is enjoyable all the same."

"That is good. And you are feeling more comfortable without your helmet?"

Leo tilted his horned head from side to side, his thick mane flopped along with him. In truth the shy Chimera had enjoyed being visible. He knew not everyone would accept a half-breed. That was just the way of the world. However, since he worked within the palace, there were few that would openly speak out against him or the royals he protected.

"I suppose I am growing accustomed to it, I can't say I feel comfortable yet. Being a half-breed just isn't a comfortable life. But you have made it easier." He smiled.

Brandi returned the smile and then looked out the window just as the sky darkened.

"Wasn't it sunny a minute ago?" She asked. "Does the weather often change abruptly in Vervania?" She looked at Leo. His green eyes were narrowed in wary suspicion.

"No. Not unless the King summons up a storm."

They got off the carriage and the driver, a portly elderly man who had seen many years in the kingdom looked around at the sky in curious wonder. Without warning, the dark sky exploded with thunder that rippled across the kingdom. Brandi looked up to the south just as a bolt of scarlet lightning tore across the clouds.

The sounds of cries and explosions rang out through the south side of the city.

"Get back into the wagon ma'am. We must leave."


Maalceus walked down the black marble hall. Kelly followed behind him. Her long candy corn colored hair flowed behind her as she walked. Her dark tan skin was a shade lighter than Maalceus but plenty darker than it had been a week prior. She followed him to his room and quickly he shut the door.

Kelly grinned, excited for what she anticipated. However, her anticipation died away when she saw the look of confusion and anger on his face.

"My lord?" She asked.

"We need to leave. It isn't safe." Maalceus said.

"What? Why?" Kelly asked, feeling as though his thoughts were coming out of the blue.

"Kelly. You chose to accept both Daemon and Draconic essence." He explained. "The Daemon will know of your...our location if they don't already."

"These Daemon? What are they?" Kelly asked.

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