Chapter Ten: Breakfast

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Melanie woke up at the sound of her cell phone going off. She reached over and swiped it to the answer.

"Hello?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"Melanie! Its Brandi."

"Brandi?" Melanie asked and then sat up. "Oh! Brandi. Sorry, I just woke up."

"That's okay. Listen, you aren't going to believe this. A woman called the cops this morning saying she had gotten rescued from a pair of guys who were trying to rape her. The rescuer as she reported it, was the same as your guy."

"Where was he?" Melanie asked.

"I guess she was rescued down fifth. Near the west end of town." Brandi said. "The only place to stay around that area is Roxy's inn."

"Thanks Brandi."

"Anytime sugar. Let me know if you find him."

"You know it." Melanie hung up and got dressed.

She slid on a pair of white leggings with a black mesh going up the side. Her white top laced in the front exposing her breasts slightly. She slipped into her sneakers before hopping onto her scooter. From her house it was a twenty minute ride to Roxy's Inn. It was a long ride on a slow scooter but it was worth it.

As she pulled up to the parking lot inn she found that there were no vehicles. A flickering feeling of despair wormed its way into her mind. She rushed in and hurled herself at the counter. A young woman with short brown hair and brown eyes looked at her warily.

"Excuse me. Have you seen this man?"

Melanie showed her the folded up picture of Lucian from the cctv cameras at KCC.

The woman took the paper and looked at it before handing it back to her.

"Yeah. I saw him this morning. He is in room twenty."

Melanie folded the paper and just before she took off, the woman spoke again.
"Him and two others went out for breakfast though."

"Did they say where?"

"Yeah. The tall guy asked where to eat and I suggested Patrick's diner."

"Thank you!" Melanie hurried out and jumped back onto her scooter.

Patrick's diner was just around the corner. The parking lot was full of vehicles and the small waiting area was full of people waiting for seats. As she rushed past them and into the diner, she was met with the aroma of bacon, eggs and pancakes. The dream hit her and she paused for a moment. Remembering how it felt to submit to his words.

Melanie looked around the restaurant, her eyes darted from person to person.

"You looking for a party hun?" The waitress asked.

"I umm...yeah...I am." She pulled out the photo and showed it to her. "Do you recognize him?"

The waitress looked at it hard for a moment and then nodded slowly.
"Yeah. Yeah I do. He came in with a pair dressed in suits. He just left since it was busy. I told him to try Lucy's cafe."

Melanie sighed, grabbed the photo and took off down the street. Lucy's Cafe was five blocks away and on the scooter it was nearly ten minutes. Nonetheless she hurried down the street and parked in front. As she pushed through the doors, the waitress at the front desk looked at her with an arched brow.

"Can I help you dear?"

"This man? Have you seen him?" Melanie lifted the photo and the woman looked from the photo to her again.

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