Chapter Thirty Eight: Emotional Turmoil

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Melanie walked along the halls of the king's floor. Lucian had slept through the night and late into the morning which didn't seem surprising after he expended so much energy in order to wipe out an entire army. She still shivered at the thought.

Bodies, burnt so completely that they had become ash and then remained entombed within their forms. She couldn't really feel pity for them since they had denied all forms of assistance and meeting in order to find common grounds of peaceful resolution. As she walked down the black stairs that led to the jade hallway below, she was surprised to see Kelly.

"Kelly." Melanie called out.

Her best friend paused and looked up at her, then smiled. It was in that smile that Melanie saw the post-submissive expression of orgasmic use. The kind she wore on her face after a full night of use.

"Are you alright?" Melanie asked. "Brandi said that Lucian's brother took you away for some punishment."

Kelly smirked and nodded.

"What happened?"

"Oh well. Maalceus, conducted some corrective action at first." She giggled. "He flogged me. Over and over and over again."

"Did he hurt you Kelly?" Melanie asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, but it was the best flogging I have ever received. I mean, I wasn't able to lay on my back all night." She blushed. "But then, he fucked me."

"He raped you as punishment?" Melanie blurted out. "Oh hell no! Lucian will hear about-" Melanie was cut off as Kelly stepped forward and pulled her into a hug.

"Hun. It wasn't rape. I wanted it and he...I think he tried not to want it but he couldn't resist." Kelly pulled her dress collar away revealing the six bite marks in her skin.

"He...claimed you?" Melanie asked.

Kelly shrugged in response.

"I have not seen Maalceus since last night. I was so high on the endorphins I don't remember much after the first couple orgasms."

"But you are okay though?" Melanie asked again.

"Yes mother bird-" Kelly chuckled, "-I am fine. Just a little dazed. Where's Brandi?"

"Probably in the library. Let's find her."


Maalceus paced the floor of his room, hands clasped behind his back. His thick brows were furrowed in anxious contemplation. Though he normally slept easily, like a child after an exhausting day at play. However, he had not slept that night at all. Every attempt at sleep ended in only dreams of that woman.

He licked his lips, tasting her remnants on his skin. The smell of her cherry odor. The taste of her blood. Sweet like honey. Maalceus spun on his heels, walked out the door of his room and down the quarter mile long hall. He paused when he reached the door at the end of the corridor. Raising his hand, he hesitated but then knocked.

After a near minute passed he thought about knocking again but decided against it. Maalceus turned on his heels, and just as he was about to walk away, the door opened. Lucian stood in the doorway looking groggy and half awake.

"M-my lord." He bowed at waist. "I am sorry to disturb you I-" Maalceus was cut off and surprised as his brother snagged him by the shoulder and pulled him into the room before slamming the door. Lucian knew his brother like he knew the map of Vervania. Even when Maalceus was trying to put on a strong front, he knew when something was going on.

"Talk." Lucian said in a deep morning raspy voice.

"My lord. I-"

"Drop the formalities brother. It's just us."

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