Chapter 46.

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Chapter 46.

'I am not blameworthy,'

I said to myself while watching the back of Lola Carina's back going away from me.

After arriving at the 'Sanctuary of the Salutaries', Lola Carina had personally asked for somebody else to guide her around. That's why a staff of the facility was currently doing the job I was supposed to do.

"Milana," I look to my side and saw Hazel, who had called me with a contemplating tone, walking toward my direction.

Maybe because of Pres and Sir Lance's renting the entire sanctuary, everything was already prepared with no hassle after we arrived. From tables, to chairs, tents and some other things we needed. And all of our things were also being taken care off by the staff of the sanctuary, leaving us little to nothing job to do.

"Let's talk." Hazel said to me with an earnest expression on her face. She looks like she had a lot of things to ask me but could not do so because she was not given a free time to ask. But now, she has it, so she did not even hesitated for a bit and approach me.

We walk inside the sanctuary, into the small forest that was filled with average sized trees and plants, before speaking. "First of all," she started.

"What was that, Milana?"

She asked in utter stupefaction while looking at me in wide dumbfounded eyes.

"What is that? You were what? In love to the voice in your head? A voice? What kind of an old joke is that?"

I dryly smile at her.

"It's not a joke." I said to her while looking away.

I fidgeted my fingers while feeling Hazel's sharp gaze on my head.

"So you have been hearing voices in your head?!" She exclaimed.

"It's not 'voices'! It's just one voice! There is just one person talking in my head!"

"Even still--!" Hazel huffed. Her face was redden in total shocked while looking at me in a pressing manner. "What's the difference?!"

"It is very different! If you put it like 'voices talking in my head', I would sound sick! But if you put it like 'a voice talking in my head', I would kind of sound normal."

Hazel looks at me, startled and bewildered to my own ridiculousness.

"You do know what you are saying, right?"

"I think before I speak,"

"That's bullshit! Milana! That's not normal! Even if it's voices or just a voice talking in your head, it's still not normal!"

"I know!" I shouted back at her, feeling a pang of frustration accumulating in my chest.

"I know it beforehand that it was not normal! I was the one who was experiencing it! You don't have to remind me that!"

"Then why are you acting as if you were treating it as normal?! Acting nonchalant as if hearing a voice in your head is normal and common? And far least of it, you--what?! Fell in love with it?! Milana! This is more than ridiculous!"

She shouted in frustration with veins bulging in her neck. I bit my lips.

"I know it personally that it was not normal!" 

I let out a hiccup and looks at Hazel in teary eyes. The frustration in my chest became too heavy that I was not able to held it in to myself.

Her eyes shook as our eyes met.

I don't want my frustration of not being able to explain my situation to turn into anger, that's why I just let it out in my eyes, in the form of tears.

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