84 | when history repeats itself

Start from the beginning

"Did you try relentlessly knocking his door until you piss him off?" He throws. "Works every time."

"This is serious Yoongi."

"Yeah, I know, I just wanted to lighten the mood."

Silence falls between us and I lean against the wall with crossed arms. A tired sigh leaves my mouth. Yoongi watches me carefully as he approaches me. He scrunches his nose when he sniffs me and inches back.

"How much have you had to drink?" He murmurs.

Seeing that Jimin isn't going to open the door anytime soon, I simply walk past Yoongi heading to my apartment when he grabs my arm.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asks sternly. "And don't you even deny there's nothing going on because we both know it's bullshit."


He senses my reluctance, so he pulls me closer until I'm no longer able to pull my arm back. "Are you binge-drinking again?" When I don't answer, he drops his head back and runs a hand through his hair. "How long?" I stay quiet and that seems to set him off because he suddenly grabs me from both arms and starts shaking me relentlessly. "How fucking long?"

"Since Idaho."

"After the party?"

I swallow harshly. "After we went to Tamarack."

Yoongi steps closer and I inch back on instinct, suddenly feeling like my space is being invaded.

"It was a difficult time for me Yoongi." He gives me an understanding look before giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I remember."

"And New Year's is approaching, and it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that I'll have to spend it here." I continue.

"This time we'll spend New Year's at the Sage." He reminds me. "Nobody you know will be there. And besides you have Jimin."

"I don't know if I do anymore." I say then break away from him.

"In case you haven't noticed the dude would walk through fire for you. Hell, if saving you would mean cutting off his limbs, he'd probably sever every piece of his body."

A laugh leaves my lips, because of the way he put it. "He wouldn't."

"He'd cut his own dick off if you asked him to." Even though I still felt dreadful from earlier, Yoongi somehow managed to brighten my mood a little. "My point is, he loves you and I've never seen you happier so it would be a fuckin shame to lose what you two have. Sometimes you guys are so goddamn happy it gives me a headache."

"I don't think he wants to talk to me right now Yoongi." I say softly. "I hurt him really bad."

"I suggest you fix this before New Year's. I'm not going to the Sage alone. Also, I just remembered, we're supposed to go the vineyard tomorrow with Namjoon and the others."

"Shit," I gasp. "I completely forgot about that."

"Anyhow, let him cool off first, then drop by his apartment with a basket of cupcakes. Suck his dick real good and then you'll be cool again."

"It's because you say things like that, that make me understand why you're still single."

He snorts. "It's because of that pissy attitude and the fact that you smell like a brewery that Jimin hates your guts right now."


Hours later, I find myself sitting at the Cherry Blossom diner with a strawberry milkshake, a burger, and a side of fries. I'm stuffing my face with those greasy mouthwatering fries. Eating outside alone is rare for me, not only because I think it's sad and pathetic sitting in a public place. I prefer to eat at home when I'm not with Jimin or Yoongi or Axel to cut on any unnecessary expenses.

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