He eventually relented as he believed she had endured enough already.

Anna nodded her head, her mood lifting with the leaves blowing outside from the winds. She bid Amelia and Bella farewell with a tight hug then when she stood in front of her father, he caressed her hair.

"You're growing up too fast." He stated with a sigh and Anna refrained herself from pouting. Her father seemed to always bring out the childish parts of her personality. Around her mother, it could be tiresome always being elegant and regal.

"I'm already twenty-two. You must let it go." She retorted and he huffed.

"I refuse." He stated with a flat expression, but it quickly turned to a grin. "Please be safe princess."

"I'll make sure of that." Edward stated as he walked up to the door, removing his hat as a courtesy and holds out his hand for Taylor to shake.

Taylor obliges and shakes his hand, looking Edward up and down. "You really are a good man Mr. Beckham."

"Don't flatter me in front of Anna. I'll get embarrassed."

Taylor shook his head and chuckled.

"Shall we?" Edward held out his arm and Anna took it. She really did miss him but wanted to contain her excitement.

Dorothy helped with loading the carriage and then joined them inside when everything was finished. Once the carriage was out of the gate, Anna gave Edward a tight hug, breaking all the rules of personal space, which took him a bit off guard. Though, he welcomed it, running a hand across her back to soothe her.

He glanced at Dorothy for confirmation, wondering what the issue was but she only gave him a small smile. He kind of understood what she meant by the smile though.

She's been through a lot, just be here for her right now.

"I know you wouldn't be able to resist my charms for long." Edward stated to lighten the mood and Anna pulled away, chuckling.

"You're the same as always."

"Handsome? Graceful? Generous?"

"Arrogant." Dorothy snippily stated, staring outside of the carriage.

Edward pouted. "I have you know that I am confident, not arrogant."

Dorothy simply hummed and Edward looked at Anna for help.

"Isn't she rude?" Edward accused and then leaned in so he could whisper into Anna's ear. "I like her."

Anna giggled and leaned back into the carriage. She looked outside, watching as they moved past the large fields of grass that was Greenwich. Soon she was going to be introduced to a whole new place she has never seen before.

She thought of Ms. Gregory and remembered that her estate was in London. She hoped that she was doing well and underneath it all, she wished she could see her.


"What are you doing out of bed?" Beatrice scolded when she found Serena sitting in her office going through papers.

"I can't afford to be in bed, I need to find that will. You know what would happen if I don't." Serena responded curtly as she was rummaging through papers on her desk.

Beatrice wasn't having any of it and quickly walked to her desk, removing the papers from Serena's hands.

"Bed, now."

Serena was about to argue but Beatrice was quick to shut her up.

"What would Matthew think if I were to let you work in your state. You were stabbed and poisoned. You can't afford to be sitting down. Besides, you already look pale as it is. In your bed, shoo."

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