Life On Earth

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Kane POV

The year was 1938. I was nearly done with my senior year and proud of it. I had such huge plans for when graduation rolled around. But as of the moment I just reached my front door. 

Kane: "I'm home."

Mom: "In the kitchen."

I head there to see mom fixing dinner while dad was doing the daily crossword.

Dad: "How was school?"

Kane: *sits* "Good."

Mom: "Do anything exciting?"

Kane: "Aside from ace the final exam."

They both smile.

Dad: "I told you all that studying would pay off."

Mom: "Seems we'll have to go out and celebrate tonight."

Kane: "About that. I was wondering if it'd be alright if I use the car tonight to take Angela on a date."

Dad looks at me.

Dad: "You're spending an awful lot of time with her as of late."

Kane: "Well yeah, we've been together for almost five years. Meaning I think it's time."

Mom: "Time for what?"

I smile.

Kane: "I'm gonna ask her to marry me."

Dad becomes a little surprised.

Dad: "Won't that ruin your plans of joining the military?"

Kane: "I did some thinking and... I'm not going. I love Angela and wanna spend my life with her."

Mom: "I don't know Kane. Marriage is a big decision."

Dad: "Oh come on honey. We were fifteen and look how well we turned out."

Mom: "We also had my dad's allowance to fall back on."

Dad: "Let the boy go for it. What's the worst that can happen?"

Mom maintains an unsure look.

Mom: "Just don't get hurt."

Kane: "I won't mom."

I smile trying to reassure her. But little did I know, that this would only be the beginning of my troubles.

*timeskip presented by Kane trying and failing to tie a tie*

I pull up to the restaurant and walk in with Angela by my side.

Kane: "Morgan, reservation for two."

Hostess: "Right this way."

We're led to our table.

Angela: "How on earth did you get reservations to Cayde's Bistro?" 

Kane: "My dad's good friends with the owner."

She smiles as the waitress takes our orders. Once we've finished I feel my pocket. My heart rate increases as nervousness sets in. It's now or never.

Angela: "You okay Kane?"

Kane: "We've been together a long time Angela."

Angela: "Yep. Just about five years now."

Kane: "Exactly. Which is why I believe it's time to take this one step further."

I pull out the box. Lifting the lid I present her with a diamond ring that took me two years to save up for.

Kane: "Angela Smith, will you marry me?"

Everyone in the restaurant looks smiling at the moment. Everyone except Angela.

Angela: "Kane, mind if we talk in private?"

Kane: "Ok?"

We head to where there's less witnesses.

Kane: "What'd you wanna talk about?"

Angela: "I'm leaving Kane."

My heart sinks.

Kane: "What?"

Angela: "My father and I are moving upstate."

Kane: "What about us?"

Angela: "I told him but he says you were just a phase."

My heart begins to ache.

Kane: "Angela..."

She wraps me in a hug.

Angela: "You weren't just a phase. You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Which is why I'm gonna cherish these memories we made. I'm sorry Kane."

I return her hug. But while I do I only feel sadness. The one woman I ever loved is leaving me. After a very silent ride back home I enter to find mom and dad on the couch watching a cheesy monster movie.

Dad: "How'd it go champ?"

I ignore them heading upstairs.

Mom: "Dinner's in the oven."

Kane: "Not hungry."

I enter my room discarding all but my underwear. Flopping onto my bed my tears finally begin falling. They soon put me to sleep. The next day I head into town hall. Going into the main part I head to a table and sign my name.

Man: "Thank for volunteering."

He salutes as I do the same. Only a few months later I was already on the battlefield trying to help in any way I can with the war.

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