The Dragon Of Ur

780 15 1

Kane POV

We make it to one of the auto whatchamacallit. Getting there we see clear signs of a fight.

Kane: "Got something."

They look spotting what I found.

Yue: "Those look like tracks. If my guess is correct we're dealing with a huge four legged beast."

Girl: "There's stories going around. Stories of a monster that's lurking beyond these two mountains. You think that monster made these tracks?"

Kane: "It's likely."

We make our way further up the mountain. We eventually come to a place with a waterfall.

Hajime: "I'm sensing someone's presence nearby. Feels human, or close enough."

He looks a the waterfall.

Hajime: "Behind the waterfall."

I aim my hand. A tornado of fire erupts evaporating the water clearing a path. We head inside and look around.

Hajime: "Found a body."

We look to see a boy laying face down. Hajime flicks her forehead waking him up.

Hajime: "Is your name Will?"

Will: "You know me? I mean yeah, Will Cudeta."

Hajime: "Hajime Nagumo. The head of the Fuhern Adventure's Guild sent me to rescue you."

We get Will patched up.

Will: "No matter how hard we fought the monsters wouldn't stop coming. Before we knew it they had us cornered. Then it showed up."

Hajime: "What did?"

Will: "The black dragon."

Hajime: "Dragon?"

Will: "I don't deserve this. Why should I get to live? Everyone else in my party was slaughtered. I'm alive, and a part of me is glad. But when I think about what happened to the others I just..."

He's cut off by Hajime grabbing the front of his shirt.

Hajime: "Of course you're glad you didn't get killed. Why wouldn't you be? Wanting to live is human. It's called the survival instinct, and we'd all be screwed without it. You're totally in the right to be glad."

Will: "I wish they could've-"

Hajime: "The only thing you can do for the people who died is keep living on. Drag your feet forward one at a time and live on."

Will: "Live on. Just like that?"

Hajime: "That's right. Someday you might find there was a reason you survived, but only if you keep on fighting. Do you understand?"

He shakes his head. We exit the cave to find the moon high in the sky.

Hajime: "Well we've got what we came for. Time to head back."

We walk away when something lands kicking up dust. When it clears we all see a black dragon.

Will: "That's it, that's the monster."

Kane: "Good, I was fearing we would be leaving without a fight."

Hajime: "Let's take it down."

Kane: "Oh no you don't. I had to sit out the fight with Miledi. This dragon's all mine."

Hajime: "Seems fair. Knock yourself out."

I smile rocketing towards the dragon. With a right hook the dragon is sent scooting across the ground. It hisses sending a stream of fire at me. I hold out my hand catching the stream.

Kane: "That the best you've got?"

It roars increasing its attack. I begin getting pushed backwards.

Kane: "Now that's more like it."

I wave my arm sending the fire into the sky. I then rush in delivering a jab to the dragon's chest. My attack does zero damage which makes the dragon grunt in a mocking tone.

Hajime: "Dragon's have impenetrable scales. Meaning it's practically indestructible."

Kane: "Ya don't say. Guess that means I gotta improvise."

I stomp sending a pulse of fire into the ground. Chunks of earth erupt as I grab one. Using fire I scorch it into a massive stalagmite. The dragon roars sending fire my way. I blast myself into the air.

As I fly over the dragon I open my mouth. A whirlwind of flames crash down on the dragon. It roars as the flames continue to cascade over its body. Now with it distracted I land reeling back the stalagmite.

Kane: "Bottoms up!"

With a mighty thrust I shove the stalagmite south for the winter. Everyone winces grabbing their ass. Meanwhile the dragon does something shocking, it emits womanly shriek. It then does something I never thought possible.

Dragon: *girl voice* "Why would you shove something in my rear!?!"

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