Monster Horde

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Kane POV

Kane: "How's that?"

Dragon: "When I transform you'll be witness to a beautiful young woman whose buns have been skewered by this oversized piece of rock. Do you think anyone could survive that?"

Kane: "I kinda wanna see that."

Dragon: "Come on, my mana's running out. Granted I'm not opposed to this new sensation I've been introduced to, I just don't want it to be the death of me. So for the love of all that is good and holy in this land I beg you, pull it out!"

Kane: "Fine."

I begin pulling. This makes the dragon squeal in a disturbing way.

Dragon: "Could you go a little slower!? I'm not used to this! You're being so rough!"

I keep pulling.

Dragon: "What is this feeling? Something is stirring deep within me! Yes, yes!!!"

Kane: "This thing won't budge. Imma try one last time."

Dragon: "Wait, give me a second to adjust."

Kane: "Fine, I'll pull on three."

Dragon: "Thank-"

Kane: "Three!!!"

I yank the stalagmite out completely. The dragon squeal in ecstasy while breathing heavily. She then glows blinding us. When the light subsides we see a woman in some kind of robe.

Woman: "I asked you to be gentle. Yet you showed no mercy. Never have I experienced this. You've spared me. But I'm still in discomfort. And a humiliating pain courses through me. Yet it's still such a sweet sensation."

Kane: "Great, I created a masochist."

Woman: "My deepest apologies. I belong to the Klarus clan of the dragonborn. My name is Tio Klarus. Let's chat."

We do just that.

Woman: "An army of monsters is marching to Ur?"

Tio: "Indeed. The dark robed man I described intends to use these creatures to attack the town. His army numbers well into the thousands I fear."

Boy: "What, how do we stop them?"

Hajime: *holds eye* "This is more than just a small army of beasts. I'm counting fifty, no, make that sixty thousand. They're already making their way toward the town. If they keep at this pace, they'll arrive in two days time."

Woman: "Then we have to warn everybody. We can evacuate and send for help. Some backup."

Will: "Uh hey. Maybe Hajime and these guys could do something about this army."

Hajime: "Nope. My only responsibility is getting Will back to Fuhren safely. How am I supposed to do that if I'm fighting a bunch of monsters?"

I step forward placing my hand on Hajime's shoulder.

Kane: "I'm not normally one to bark orders. But I demand we help save the town."

Hajime: "But-"

Kane: "Please."

He stares into my eyes seeing my desperation. He nods.

Hajime: "Fine, we'll help."

They smile as we begin walking.

Tio: "Excuse me. I hate to be a burden. But your rough treatment of me has left me unable to move."

My eye twitches as I lift her up by the back of her robe.

Kane: "How far is Ur? Like exactly?"

Woman: *points* "Five miles that way."

Kane: "Thanks."

Tio: "What evil punishment are you planning on unleashing upon me?"

I let her go. As she falls I kick her ass with all my strength. She flies quickly becoming a blur.

Kane: "Come on. Let's get a move on."

*timeskip presented by everyone walking back to Ur*

That night I watch as everyone makes preparations for the incoming monster attack. I'm then called out by a voice.

Tio: "Kane, why're in that tree?"

Kane: "Because I wanna be you horny dragon."

Tio: "What's wrong?"

Kane: "What makes you think something's wrong?"

Tio: "You insulted me but I don't sense the genuineness in it. Therefore something's got you upset."

Kane: "I'm just dreading this fight."

Tio: "Why?"

Kane: "It has something to do with the dark robed figure you spoke of. I have this no good feeling that they're the missing student that lady told us about prior to seeing you. If it turns out to be true then that means they're about to fight a child. And that's what I dread."

Tio: "You have a problem facing children?"

Kane: "That's a big understatement."

Man: "They're here!!!"

Tio runs to join Hajime and the other two. Meanwhile I just watch from the tree. The others launch several spell attacks that deal heavy damage to the horde of monsters. The others then dive head first into the horde.

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