Miledi The Maverick

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Kane POV

I'm helped to my feet as the door behind us opens.

Kane: "Come Tonto, the wizard of Oz awaits us!"

Shea: "I think he has brain damage."

Hajime: "He'll live."

We walk through the doors. But we fall into the abyss.

Kane: "I believe I can fly!!!!"

I slam head first onto a metal box that rises into the air.

Kane: "Look, I'm Icarus."

Miledi: "Look at you. Coming all this way."

Hajime: "This' a joke right?"

Kane: "Are you here to protect Hogarth?"

Miledi: "Is he okay?"

Hajime: "You shouldn't worry about him. Just give us the ancient magic and we'll be on our way."

Miledi: "Sorry, no can do."

Hajime: "Then we'll kill you and take it anyway."

Miledi: "You can try."

The giant suit of armor makes dozens of black cubes rain down on us. I admire the sight when Hajime kicks me into the air.

Hajime: "Move dumbass!"

Kane: "Weeeeee!"

I land on my head.

Kane: "Oooowwww, my head. I use that sometimes."

I flip onto my back to see Shea slam her hammer onto the suit's arms. Its armor cracks as Hajime fires his guns at its chest. The suit grabs its now dented chest.

Miledi: "You're not gonna beat me you wanna be bullies. My arms can regenerate and fix themselves."

Hajime: "Not if we don't let up on you!"

He fires a harpoon like object at the suit of armor. Getting on its chest he fires his gun again. Getting knocked onto its back Hajime makes a drill like device appear. 

Hajime: "This is where you die."

He fires a massive metal spike. But the armor remains unbroken.

Miledi: "Nice try. But down here your magic isn't as strong."

Kane: "I can do it!!!"

I swan dive towards the spike. The top of my head slams onto the spike driving it fully through the suit's chest. I shake my head finally recovering from my dazed state.

Kane: "What'd I miss?"

Hajime: "Only the fight to end this thing."

Miledi: "Sorry to ruin your chat. But I have a warning to give you. You all possess great power. Which makes you a target for the gods we tried to take down. They're the last kind of people your wanna make mad."

Hajime: "Thanks. But we'll gladly take on anyone who dares get in our way."

Miledi: "Your bravery is admirable. I bid you farewell."

The suit of armor ejects a sphere of light that flies away.

Kane: "Finally. I thought she'd never die."

Clanging is hear. We look to see a path forming. 

Shea: "That must be the way out."

We follow the path. At the end we find a small white faced figure in a robe.

Miledi: "Surprise! Tis I, the great Miledi! Did you enjoy the dramatic death I put on? I'm no great actor but I respect my craft."

My eye twitches.

Miledi: "Truce?"

Kane: "I'm gonna kill her now."

I punch my palm walking to Miledi. She starts backing away.

Miledi: "Please don't. This body's really delicate. Let's talk this out."

Kane: "Talking just makes me angrier."

I deliver a powerful right hook that sends Miledi into the wall. After that the others are granted the ancient magic. 

Miledi: "There, you got what you wanted."

She rubs the massive bump on her forehead.

Miledi: "Now leave before you give me anymore bruises."

Hajime: "Hold on. You're forgetting something."

Miledi: "Oh, right."

She hands over her ring.

Hajime: "And?"

Miledi: "And what?"

Hajime: *shakes her* "Don't play stupid! Give us all the rare materials you've got stashed away!"

Lots of special items fall out of her robe. We then shift and take what we want from the stash pile.

Miledi: "To think the first people to make it down here would be so greedy. I'm over this. Goodbye."

She pulls a rope. We're swept up by water and sent away. We end up getting launched out landing on grass.

Hajime: "I swear. I'm gonna return and obliterate that idiot."

Kane: "And I'm gonna help you."

Yue: "Where's Shea?"

We look to find her floating face down in the water. Hajime fishes her out laying her on her back. 

Hajime: "She needs CPR."

He gives her a few chest compressions then mouth to mouth.

Hajime: "It's not working."

Kane: "Step aside. I got this."

I switch places with him hovering over her. I lean closer getting within inches of her face.

Kane: "Wake up you worthless rabbit!!!!"

I deliver a godly smack to her cheek. The sound alone rivals that of a nuke. Shea screams like a banshee holding her cheek.

Shea: "That really hurt!!!!"

Kane: "But you're alive aren't you?"

She displays a look of absolute malice lowering her hand. I then see a deep red imprint of my hand. This makes me laugh like there's no tomorrow.

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