God Vs Devil

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3rd POV

Cattleya breaks the kiss to see the fog in Kane's eyes dissipate. He looks down at her and smiles.

Kane: "I want to do all those things with you too."

The black void shatters transporting Kane and Cattleya back to the real world. Kane then looks at Ehit.

Kane: "I have to say. You nearly had me. But let's as you said, end this game of chess between us."

Kane POV

Ehit grits his teeth then launches balls of light at me. I pull Cattleya close and turn us to fire as the attacks fly through us. I smile as Ehit becomes furious.

Kane: "Mind if I handle this?"

Cattleya: "By all means."

I turn to Ehit bursting into my full potential. In an instant I back hand him into the ground. He hits the ground with a great thud. He growls rocketing towards me. I reappear behind him sending my fist into his lower back. He twists his upper half around facing me. He then uses ice claws to tear open my chest.

Kane: "I almost felt that."

Ehit: "Die!!!!"

I slam my foot into his chest sending him through two mountains. I zip to in front of him ramming my hand through his chest. I ignite my arm catching his body on fire. He screams in pan when a tendril of darkness wraps around my neck. I'm swung around and sent into the air. At peak altitude a hand of earth grabs my waist. A titan sized Ehit then appears.

Die: "Die mortal!"

He slams his hands together in an attempt to crush me. I hold out my hands keeping him from doing so. He applies more pressure which makes me bring my arms close. With a deep breath I blast fire through my palms scorching his hands. 

He screams in pain letting me go. Then funneling fire through my feet I fly around Ehit. He waves his hands trying to smite me. I however land on the top of his head. I makes a mini sun and slam it on his head. He lets out a pained yelp while stumbling back.

Ehit: "Asshole!!!"

He attempts to crush me. I heat up my hands and jump. With a spin I burrow through his skin going into his head. He lets out a bloody gurgle as he falls. He slams face first bursting into a smaller version. I grab the front of his clothes lifting him to my height.

Ehit: "I'm a god you lowly mortal."

Kane: "And I'm the devil."

I grab his face with my spare hand. Ehit then screams as his soul is burned out of him. His eyes become black as all the life leaves them. A light then travels from him into me. I revert to normal as my hands emit a faint shine.

Cattleya: "Kane!!!!"

She tackles me into a hug. I return it while planting a kiss on her lips.

*timeskip presented by Kane and Cattleya making out*

I stand at the gate of the kingdom. Looking back I see Hajime and some of the other students smiling. I take a deep breath and focus. With a snap of my fingers a rift opens up.

Kaori: "Hey, it's Japan! We're going home!!!"

The other students cheer. They then begin hopping through the rift. Pretty soon all that remains is Hajime and the others.

Kane: "Well this is it. You're finally going home."

Hajime: "Indeed. Wish I could say I'll miss this place."

We share a laugh.

Hajime: "By the way. Have you decided if you're coming back or not?"

I pause. I've pushed this decision off long enough. Time I chose.

The Unholy (Arifureta X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя