Adventure's Guild Mission

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Kane POV

After making it to the nearest town we head to the guild hall.

Man: "Head of the Fuhern Adventure's Guild, Ilwer Chang. Nice to meet you."

Kane: "Charmed."

Ilwer: "You're not an easy group to track down. I've heard some interesting rumors. The people of Brooke are all talking about a group of powerful travelers who carved a path through Reisen Gorge."

Hajime: "You've got the wrong group."

Ilwer: "Local legend or not. I can tell you've got the skills to handle the request I would like to make of you."

Hajime: "Don't think so."

We stand to leave.

Ilwer: "Do you mind if I just tell you what it is? It's a lot less paperwork for me if I can say I formally asked for your help."

Hajime: "Just as I expected from the head of a guild. You won't take no for an answer."

He tells us the mission.

Hajime: "So you want us to track down a missing party?"

Ilwer: "Correct. A party of adventures was heading into the northern mountains on a survey. Count Cudeta's third son was traveling with them. I want you four to rescue Will Cudeta."

Hajime: "A Count's son? He must've been traveling with some pretty heavy muscle then."

Ilwer: "That's the troubling part. Their disappearance might mean they encountered something stronger than themselves. And if that's the case, then a lot of people are going to get hurt. We know nothing of their fate and nothing of the enemy. The Count's a friend of mine and he's come to me for help."

Hajime: "Friend huh?"

Ilwer: "Will your group agree to take on this request?"

Hajime: "Absolutely not. Now if there's nothing else, I think we'd better go."

We turn towards the door.

Ilwer: "I'll make sure you're well rewarded for your efforts."

Hajime: "Sorry but we're in a bit of a hurry."

Ilwer: "Well then. How about I simply agree to always look the other way when you find yourselves bumping up against the rules of the Adventure's Guild?"

Hajime: "I'll admit it's becoming quite a tantalizing offer.  But I do have two conditions."

Ilwer: "Which are?"

Hajime: "First, the four of us are gonna need you to make us some status plates."

Ilwer: "And the second?"

Hajime: "If we ever need you, you agree to do exactly as we say."

Ilwer: "Very well. I think we have a deal."

Hajime: "Smart man."

We now make our way down a forest road.

Yue: "You were kinda forceful back there."

Hajime: "I suppose I was. He clearly had his back against the wall. The more something means to someone the more you can get them to agree to do for you."

Yue: "There's something more to it though."

Hajime: "You figure it out? Right now we're headed to Ur. We'll get some food and spend the night in the continent's largest rice farming area before we go up to the mountains to look for that lost party."

Kane: "What's with you and rice?"

Hajime: "It's only the best dish ever made."

Kane: "I can think of over a hundred dishes that're better."

We finally reach the town of Ur. Going inside the local restaurant I spot the menu next to the door.

Kane: "What the hell?"

Hajime: "What?"

Kane: "This menu makes no sense. Seriously. Ocean's bounty, earthly harvest, batch of dragon."

Yue: "None of that sounds pleasing."

Kane: "I'm gonna go fix this."

I march to the kitchen. Throwing open the door I set to work. As my rice simmers a woman with red hair appears.

Woman: "What's that smell?"

Kane: "Mexican rice."

Woman: "What's that?"

I look at her in disbelief.

Kane: "Only the best kind of rice."

Woman: "Prove it."

I develop a smile.

Kane: "Challenge accepted."

Like lightning I buzz around the kitchen preparing my special dish.

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