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Kane POV

My eyes slowly drift open. Though blurry at first my vision clears to reveal a metal ceiling. Looking to my side I see Cattleya laying next to me with her arm draped over my chest. Her eyes open meeting mine.

Kane: "How long was I out?"

Cattleya: "Couple days."

She lays her hands on my chest. We both then see a sizable scar in the dead center of my chest.

Cattleya: "You heart was burned pretty badly. You were lucky we got you to safety."

Kane: "That guy, what happened to him?"

Cattleya: "Once he had wounded you I swiftly relieved him of his arm. He fled the area. After that Tio flew back to Kaori and Myu. Then once we had you we entered the maverick lair. We gathered the relic and fled through the lava in this machine Hajime had created."

Kane: "Sounds like I missed a lot."

I get out of bed getting my clothes on. Once Cattleya does too we head topside to see the others feasting on a mountain of fish.

Hajime: "Looks who's back from the dead."

Kane: "Shut up and toss me a fish."

I catch one devouring it.

Kane: "So just where the hell are we?"

Hajime: "No clue. We're kinda just heading where the wind takes us."

Shea: "Does that mean we're lost?"

All of a sudden merfolk jump onto our vehicle. 

Man: "What's your business here?"

Man2: "You here to kidnap more children?"

Kane: "Oh you mean Myu?"

Cattleya: "If that's the case then..."

Man3: "Who gave you permission to speak demon?"

I backhand him into the water.

Kane: "That's a woman you're talking to."

The other men look at me. At that same moment I hear something from above.

Voice: "Papa!!!!!"

Looking up my eyes widen.

Kane: "Myu's falling!!!!"

I explode into the air catching her. Landing I give her a narrowed gaze.

Kane: "What were you thinking doing that!?"

Myu: *looks down* "I'm sorry Papa."

I soften my gaze.

Kane: "Just promise me you won't do anything that dangerous again."

Myu: "I promise."

Looking back at the others I see the other mermen knocked out. With that we continue sailing until we dock at an island. As we walk out of the vehicle Myu grabs my hand running.

Myu: "Come on Papa. I want you to meet my Mama."

Kane: "Hey, slow down a little bit."

*timeskip presented by Myu dragging Kane across the island*

We finally come to a stop allowing to catch my breath. I huff clutching my chest.

Myu: "You okay Papa?"

Kane: "Yeah. Just need to catch my breath."

Reclaiming my breathing we are met with an older looking Myu.

Myu: "Mama!"

Woman: "Myu!"

They run embracing the other. 

Woman: "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Myu."

Myu: "I'm right here so it's fine."

She looks at her mother's leg.

Myu: "What happened to your leg? Does it hurt? Papa, Mama's leg is hurt."

Woman: "Did you really just say Papa?"

Myu: "Papa, Mama's leg..."

Kane: "It's okay. Kaori, think you can help us out?"

Kaori: "My pleasure."

Kane: "Sorry in advance."

I pick her up bridal style and carry her into her house. From there Kaori uses her power to heal Remia's leg.

Kaori: "That should just about do it. I'd still like to spend a few days here to make sure she doesn't develop any side effects."

Remia: "So how is it you came to meet Myu?"

Kane: "That's a long story. But the short of it is that I found her in a city's sewers."

Remia: "I see. It's thanks to you I'm reunited with my daughter. I shall repay this debt."

Kane: "No need to worry about it."

Remia: "Then at least stay in my home for the duration of your visit. It's the least I can do."

Kane: "I don't know."

Remia: "Please. I know you'll have to leave at some point. But until then stay here. For Myu's sake."

I look at Myu who's still sleeping. I slightly sigh.

Kane: "I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

The Unholy (Arifureta X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora