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Kane POV

After taking a section of the horde out I see three separate explosions. Getting out of the tree I see Hajime dragging a boy in dark robes.

Woman: "I don't believe it. Why would one of my students do something so completely horrible?"

Kid: "I just wanted to show everybody in this world how incredible I am."

Woman: "What? That makes no sense. All this just made you look evil Shimizu. Why would you think we'd be impressed by you hurting people?"

Shimizu: "Not you stupid! I mean the demons."

Everyone gasps while I remain unfazed.

Shimizu: "I went north into the mountains alone to prove that I could capture a monster. That's when it happened. I met an actual demon. They understood exactly what I was capable of. They could see how much potential was inside me. So naturally I had to make a little contract with them."

Woman: "A contract? What is it they want from you?"

Shimizu: "It's funny you should ask that."

He looks her dead in the eye.

Shimizu: "Cause it says I have to murder you. They say the goddess of plenty can't be left to her own devices. Which means that if I kill you the demons will be so pleased that they'll hail me as their champion."

He reaches under his cloak. Everyone backs up while Hajime withdraws his gun. The world moves in slow motion.

Hajime POV

I withdraw my gun when somehow Kane is already behind Shimizu. 

Shimizu: "Ho-"

Before he can finish his sentence Kane snaps his neck.

Kane POV

A loud snap fills the area. Shimizu gurgles before falling onto his back.

Woman: *shocked* "You killed him."

Kane: "Better him than you."

Woman: "He was just a kid!!!"

Kane: "Doesn't matter. When someone threatens your life then you have every right to end that threat."

I begin walking away.

Woman: "You're not human!!! You're jus at cold blooded murder!!!"

I ignore her heading to the local inn. I sit on my bed just staring at the wall. There's then a knock on the door.

Shea: "Kane, it's me, Shea. I'm coming in."

I remain silent as the door opens then closes.

Shea: "Hi."

I still remain quiet.

Shea: "We got Tio registered with the adventure's guild."

Kane: "That it? If so you can leave now."

Shea: "Look I'm sure you're uneasy about what you did. But I know how you feel. Once-"

Kane: "Stop. You know nothing of how I feel."

Shea: "I'm just trying to help."

Kane: "Listen and listen well rabbit! I don't need help! I never will need help! I've coped well with what I've done for years. It just so happens that this one incident made me relive a chapter I prefer to forget. But that's the thing about bad choices. No matter how far you run they always manage to hunt you down like a damn bloodhound."

Shea: "You're upset."

Kane: "No shit! I wonder whatever could've given you that idea."

Shea: "Kane, you're starting to scare me."

I get up walking to her.

Kane: "Oh I'm scarring you huh? Well how do you think I feel about myself? I've done lots of bad things, and for what!? A low possibility of peace!? Peace is impossible! No matter how many people you kill it shall always remain impossible! You try to tell people that but they just shrug you off, tell you to 'do your duty soldier!' God do you even know what that's like!? Being the only voice of reason in a sea of mentally compromised people who's only doing what was was drilled into their heads!? It's fucking terrible!!!"

I punch the wall screaming in anger. My hand goes through the wall just a hair away from Shea's face. I stare into her eyes to see nothing but fear in them. I scoff storming out of the room. As I exit I bump into Hajime.

Hajime: "Where're you going?"

Kane: "To blow off some steam."

I slam the door behind me and walk in a random direction. Along the way the only thing on my mind are the things that continue to haunt me.

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