Untrust Worthy?!

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She didn't say a word. But Ultra Violet didn't care about that. She was more interested on the child.

She picked her up and began playing around with Crystal with her hand.

"Nice work.I must say,I am surprised that you chose to obey.Mothers usually would do anything to protect their child.But it seems that you're doing the opposite." UV said.

"Like I had a choice." Harumi responded.

"Mawa." Crystal called and tried to reach Harumi.

"Go to sleep.We'll talk again in the morning." UV said and walked away after giving Crystal to Harumi.

Harumi gently laid Crystal down on the bed and put her to sleep. She was about to lie down and go to sleep. But heard a 'ding' from her phone. 

"What is it now?" Harumi asked and check her phone.

Then she saw the notification of the video that Lloyd had sent.

"Lloyd..sent me a video?" Harumi asked in confusion and check the video out.

(Video available on Aurel Stefanie for English and Princess Crystal Warrior Garmadon for Indonesian)

After watching the video, Harumi couldn't help by cry. She dropped her phone as she cried. 

"I've already done horrible things to you,Lloyd.But now I did worse.I've taken Crystal away from you when I knew that she would be saver with you." Harumi cried.

She then laid down, holding her phone against her chest with the video still on.

"I know you'd come here,Lloyd.And I know you have another reason to come here.But I beg you.Don't come here.It will only make things worse." Harumi said and slowly drifted to sleep with tears escaping from her eyes.

The next day. (Everyone was having breakfast in the kitchen)


"Why did he scream?" Jay asked, feeling concerned.

"I'm guessing it's because Crystal teleported again." Kai said as he tried to feed Sky.

But he hit the bowl instead and it splattered to Jay.

"Aw..man!I just took a shower!" Jay cried.

"Then take another one." Cole responded.

"Guys,have you seen Crystal?" Lloyd asked.

"She teleported again,didn't she?" Jay guessed.

"I think so.But I can't hear her crying.She usually cries when she's not near me." Lloyd answered.

"We'll help you find her,buddy." Kai offered and everyone began searching around the Monastery.

But no sign of her.

"Where is she?" Lloyd wondered.

"She's not in Wu's Meditation Room this time." Kai said.

"Is she with Sky?" Lloyd asked.

Kai shook his head. "Sky is in the kitchen with Skylor.And Crystal,is not in the kitchen."

"I'm going to check in the bounty." Lloyd said and was about to take a step away, but stopped when,..

"You won't find Crystal there." Wu said.

Kai and Lloyd turned to him in confusion.

"Then where is she?" Lloyd asked.

But Wu was silent and only looked away. Kai and Lloyd turned to each other.

"Master Wu?" Kai asked.

Wu didn't move or made a sound.

"What's going on?Have you found Crystal?" Misako asked as she walked in.

"Not yet.And we've looked everywhere!I'm getting worried." Lloyd said.

"We'll fine her,son." Misako assured.

"But it's best if...you stay away from that place for a while." Wu adviced.

"Why?And..what place?" Lloyd asked.

"The umm...u-uhh..." Wu started nervously.

He did not know how to tell Lloyd about last night. But it seemed that it would be harder than he thought.

"You're talking about the S.O.G Basement?" Lloyd asked.

Wu froze. 

"Wait...you don't mean...Ultra Violet..." Lloyd started, beginning to think.

"It..wasn't Ultra Violet." Wu said.

"Then...who?" Lloyd asked.

Wu looked down. That made them worry more.

"Wu.You know what happened?" Misako asked.

"W-Well,..." Wu started, but was still nervous to say something.

Lloyd couldn't wait only longer. He was really worrying about his daughter.

"Master Wu,tell me!My daughter is missing and you know where she is!Why are you being quiet about it?!" Lloyd demanded.

Misako and Kai placed their hands on Lloyd's shoulders to calm him down.

But they were also worried about Crystal and why Wu wasn't saying anything.

"Wu." Misako called and Wu turned to her.

"Tell us.Do you know anything?" Misako asked.

Wu stayed silent for a bit. Then he turned to his worried nephew and noticed that his eyes were tearing.

'He's really worried.'

Wu sighed and walked closer to Lloyd, he placed his hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

"Lloyd.Uhh.." Wu started.

Lloyd said nothing, waiting for Wu to say something about Crystal's sudden disappearance.

Wu sighed again.

"Harumi..." Wu continued.

That made Lloyd worry more.

"Harumi?What does she have anything to do with this?" Lloyd asked.

Wu took a deep breath and a step back.


Lloyd and Misako got scared. But only Misako who was feeling suspicious.

"Harumi took her away."

Part of The S.O.G and Part of The Resistance(Crystal Edition)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon