Chapter 38

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'They'll probably fire you.' Doc Garcia told his wife SG.

'I've been serving these jerks for a moment, it's time to retaliate. Look at Daisy.' She pointed to me lying in the hospital bed. 'She needs the medical care that's here. Look at Riker. He hasn't even fully recovered his spine yet he wants to carry the whole of RECSaM on his back. And Megan has a freaking gunshot wound.'

We all stared at her. She was getting at something.

'What are you thinking?' Riker asked her.

'Let's leave, but not empty handed.' I'd never seen SG's suggestive smirk before. I liked it.

Doc Garcia, his wife and Riker shared the 'Oh right? That.' type of look. Just then did I recognise how those 3 had a whole lifetime of history between them. I never wanted Riker to feel lonely even though he had no family left. His dad's death might've been traumatic but more so his mother's dissaperance could have done a number on him.
The two doctors tried their very best to fill that gap. I only wished Riker would tell me more about himself and his parents. If I could, I'd help out whichever way I could.

From the little research I'd done, I knew that Riker's mom had cleared all their banks, embezzled funds and sold all their properties a day or two before her husbands passing. Although Riker had told me that his dead had died due to natural causes, it seemed rather unnatural. And my suspicion is that the mom was onto something even before the day he passed.

I thought it was the classic rich man subtly murdered by gold digger wife kinda plot. All my investigations pointed to that. It was weird tho how no more than 2 police investigations had been carried out regarding her criminal case.

Don't ask me how I knew that. I do my research. I don't prefer being romantically entangled with a criminal.

Everyone was notified about the fact that we had to leave the army base. We didn't have much to pack but we had a very large vessel we were going to borrow. Oh well, it was just borrowing

Riker carefully tucked his hands behind my knees and my back. He carried me to a room where SG was leading the way. Dad, Sir Johnny, Doc Garcia, Tiago and Megan followed behind.

The officers that were in charge of evicting us ran in our direction. 'Keep moving.' SG instructed. We gradually motioned into a run. I was surprised Riker could run a mile effortlessly carrying me in his arms.

Once everyone was in the room that reeked of gas and rust, SG closed the door behind us. She was met with 3 raging officers. With a head butt at 1 and a kick in the chest to the other 2, she came in locking the door behind her.

'That's my mama right there.' Megan boasted. 'Oh shut up.' Doc rolled his eyes.

The room was filled with anchors, drums of oil and basic goods in bulk. But what caught everyone's attention was an unusually huge gate with a lever beside it. It seemed like our only exit. I could also hear the sound of waves hitting on a shore right outside.

SG was gasping for breath when she spoke. 'Outside this mechanical gate, there's the same ocean you guys visited a few days ago. You will see a huge red tanker. It's leaving in the next 5 minutes so everyone hurry and get on it. That's our only escape.' She told us.

I saw Riker setting a timer on his watch. It was do or die, sink or swim. We had caused enough trouble, staying there would be the death of us.

'Boys, push that lever.' SG motioned. Doc and Tiago vouched to be the manpower as Riker remained by my side. The door opened snail slow revealing a beautiful scenery. The huge red tanker accentuated the blue ocean it rested on. 'Wow.' My jaw dropped at the view.

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