Chapter 27

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'Riker once contacted Johnny for me and I think he can do it again for you if you want to talk to him.'

'Wait what!? Riker knew too and y'all didn't bother to tell me.' Tiago seemed shocked again.

I mentally facepalmed. Why did I have to say the wrong thing, now we were back to square one. His face contortioned from happy beginnings to angry conclusions.

'Are there other tricks up your sleeves because you just seem to pull the cards when I least expect it?' He flamed.

'No Tiago, I just...'

'No call me Elton from now, you don't deserve to call me Tiago.'

I chuckled humourlessly. 'That's absurd, it's just a name.'

'No sweetie, Tiago is the me who fended for himself for seventeen years without any help from you guys. Tiago is the me who doesn't need anyone else but my twin whom you put in a coma. Tiago is the me who grew up in an orphanage and with foster parents. I don't even know why I'm on the Truck with you, you guys don't deserve me. But you Daisy can call me Elton. Because Elton is the long lost twin brother of Eldon's that none of you ever knew .Elton is Johnny's son that he put into foster care while Eldon lived at his comfortable secret base. I was the unfavoured twin. Even from birth, the universe didn't even give me a year with my own mother. So it's not just a name Daisy, you don't deserve to call me Tiago.' He shuddered in his pool of tears.

That is when I realized that Tiago still had trauma from his past life experience. He needed therapy and a friend to comfort him. Despite the things he said that cut through flesh, I pulled on the big boy pants and comforted him. I moved closer to him and rubbed my hand up and down his back.

What I didn't realize is that his trauma release was traumatizing to me too. I started feeling light headed and my hand motions became sloppy. My breath shortened and I started to see dots. I was familiar to these symptoms but it had been so long that I was almost foreign to the unpleasant sensations.

Tiago was wheezing, his tears getting the best of him so much he didn't notice that I was having a panic attack. My brain went berserk as I felt a symphony of agonizing pains.

The pain in my side intensified to an unbearable extent all so consuming that it crawled through every bit of my flesh. I felt a stinging feeling like pins and needles that ripped mercilessly through my skin. I shrieked off the couch head first onto the floor twisting in torture's grimace. It felt like the time Lionel had lacerated my side all the way from my stomach to my hip.

'Take her to the med bay.' I heard Megan's once sweet and hushed voice shouting. Tiago carried my semi conscious body, ran and set me down on the medical bed. A bright light flashed my teary eyes as I felt my wound being poked and manoeuvred. I arched my back growling like a wolf at full moon. 'I can't handle...Arghhh. Make the pain go away.' I moaned and groaned.

'I need you to breathe, Daisy. Focus on your breathing.' Dr Garcia instructed.

'Don't let her close her eyes.' He commanded Megan who held my head begging me to stay awake.

'The pain you feel on your's because you're panicking. Breathe in with me and it'll stop.' He told me.

'Inhale with me and exhale. Inhale Daisy.' He breathed in coaxing me to synchronize with him. I took in a large gasp of air that made me cough violently. It resulted in a sharp jab in my side, I whimpered.

'Take it slow. Breathe for me.' Riker rubbed my arm soothingly. 'Do you remember our kiss earlier. It was the most pleasurable feeling I've ever felt. It's like floating on a cloud of satisfaction and never wanting to descend. I could feel tingles all throughout my body, it was surreal. You made little Riker  happy too.' I laughed involved in Riker's narration of a magical mouth mingle.

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