Chapter 7

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'Oh yeah, mhh.' I heard distinct noises from my sleep.

Rubbing the sleep off my eyes I sat on the edge of the bed gathering my blanket around my body. I willed myself to stand up but failed miserably. My body felt numb and dysfunctional but the distinct mumbling coaxed me to check on who it was. I left the warmth of my bedroom and followed the sound.

'Yeaaahhh, and a ted bit of sauce.'

Telling Eldon's voice from Tiago's was almost impossible for they were identical in more than one aspect.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a weapon as well as a snack to accompany me on my adventure to the mumbling night monger. With occupied hands, I tip toed towards the voice which led me into the cinema room. A movie was playing on the screen but with inaudible volume.

I cast a brief look to every corner of the room but they never landed on my suspect. I moved down the carpeted floor only to be tripped by a huddled mass sprawled across the floor. I shrieked in horror at the sight of a blanketed man on the ground.

'Hey where's the pistachio pudding though,' I heard from under the blanket.

'Eldon, is that you?' I asked as I pulled the blanket off him. It was indeed a sleep-talking Eldon.

My fear dissipated into frustration as I jabbed my bare foot into his guts. He awoke crunching his abs at the pain I had inflicted.

'Hey, what was that for?'

After Eldon was fully awake we sat together on the unfolded chairs and binged a series. At the end of the first season, I was all up in my element ready to take on the role of a female forensic scientist who had been bribed into an illegal gang. Movies had the untold ability to hype me up as well as making me so invested that I wanted to create my own.

Following our morning together, we got more snacks and enjoyed the lazy day.

Feeling Eldon's presence beside me used to make me feel a contrast of jitters and calmness but in that moment I felt none. I looked over at Eldon and saw him already looking at me. He smiled at me and began to move closer. Licking his bottom lip, he advanced towards mine but before he could, I swerved him.

His plump lips landed on my flushed cheeks.

'Damn it, how are we supposed to rekindle our love if you won't even kiss me?'

I gaped at him in disbelief.

'Who said love is all about kissing?' I spat out before I marched out to get some fresh air. Banging the door open I found Tiago's ear stuck to where the door had been. Not in the slightest bit amused by his antics, I looked at him irritably but never stopped to make conversation.

Tiago went in to talk to Eldon while I took the car and drove off. I went for a calming drive around the city admiring the nature it had to offer. It was already afternoon and my stomach grumbling reminded me of how I had had nothing to eat. I drove by a food truck where I bought spicy food that cured the grumble in my tummy.

Before I drove off I noticed two men relentlessly arguing by the roadside. One of the men was a six foot figure with black hair that I recognized from somewhere. Against my better judgement, I parked on the opposite side of the road to watch their verbal exchange.

Minutes after I was done devouring the delicious food, they were still arguing. From their body language, I could see that one was superior to the other. Not in a respectful leadership type of way but in a bribe type of way. Calling the police wasn't an option as there wasn't any accountable offense I had witnessed.

After almost an hour of going at it, the inferior man ran off out of sight. I tried searching around for him but when I couldn't find him I aligned my sight to where the two had previously been.

What I saw made me panic resulting in a hurried reflex that caused me too honk my hooter. The six foot men standing across the road staring at me with black rimmed hooded eyes was Lionel, the man from the RECSaM warehouse.

I felt my bones crushing inside my body and the hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention. I had never been so terrified in my life until I saw that hell of a man. I skidded out of the parking space and drove back to my house making a few unnecessary turns to make sure I wasn't being followed.

My heart was still racing when I parked the car and ran indoors.

'So much for a relaxing drive,' I said to myself. Eldon was waiting to talk to me but I walked right past him and slammed the door behind me. I nervously paced around my room trying to figure out what had just happened.

'Daisy,' Tiago called from downstairs. After fixing myself so that I didn't worry the boys, I made my way to the kitchen. There were three dinner plates so I sat in front of the only one left. I refrained from making eye contact with Eldon. Tiago made small talk to drown out the miserable silence. I wasn't even going to talk to him before he had apologized to me.

The plates and forks cluttered awkwardly when Eldon cleared his throat ready to talk.

'I hate the tension between you two. I just wish sometimes you wouldn't argue.' Tiago said seriously before he stood up and left.

I had never seen him this serious about anything before; his goofy persona dissipated. I didn't miss the threatening eye he gave Eldon before he completely left the room.

Eldon started, 'I don't like how we keep arguing either. What's happening to us Daisy?' I couldn't look him in the eye as I knew one of the reasons why. 'I just want us to go back to the time we used to sit under the moon and kiss in the rain.' I said with a reminiscent smile on my face.

Eldon and I had good memories to come back to and I enjoyed that.

'I'd like that too and the kissing part as well.' He smirked. At the mentioned of that I remembered when he had tried to kiss me and then chastised me for swerving. Maybe I had no idea how relationships worked as Eldon was my first boyfriend but I knew love meant you wouldn't force the other into anything. I wanted a love that wasn't solely based on physical intimacy.

I shook my head disapprovingly at him then stood up and left. It seemed like we never saw eye to eye on certain matters and we'd never. I walked into the lounge trying to blow off steam when I saw a note on the floor near the door.

It was as if someone had slid it in through the space under the door. I opened the door and tried to look for a culprit but there was none. Holding the crumpled paper with shaky hands, I unfolded it.

The words were written in printed italics coated by artificial blood stains. At the corner of the paper was an insignia with three letters 'TSS'.

But what caused a chill to travel down my spine were the mere words that I didn't even understand the meaning to. The words had me glancing around the room, scared out of my pants. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into but it was nothing close to safe. My heart raced and my eyes prickled with tears as I re-read the note.

'A daisy close to the fire will surely burn.'

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