Chapter 2

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Packing my luggage on the next day's morning was the worst as I cried whenever I remembered an event I lived through in each outfit. I had given up on packing when I heard the living room door bell ring.

I shouted that I was going to get it as I raced to the door. Before I could get a hold of the door, Riley swiftly grabbed my hand and tackled me to the ground. I released a pathetic shriek, landing with a loud thud as I pulled him down with me refusing to go down alone.

We heard the door open as Eldon walked in raising a curious brow at the two of us' compromising position.

Riley was sprawled on top of me with little to no social distancing.

'I know you're her brother man but stop suffocating my girlfriend.' He playfully glared at Riley.

I collected myself from the floor and continued my packing leaving the bromance to commence. After some time, Eldon entered my room, 'Why the long face?' he questioned as he flopped onto my bed. 'I don't know if we made the right decision Eldon. What if we risk our education for no reward.'

His lips twisted into a frown as he moved closer placing a gentle palm on my cheek. 'I'm not sure either but what I know is that this is our dream and we've always wanted to pursue this. So who cares if we drop out, we hate school anyway.' He said.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips at Eldon's attempt at lightening the moment. Though, he wasn't lying because we did hate school with a passion and this was our moment to escape and realize our full potential. He was looking down at me with twinkling eyes and my lips curled up realizing that I was falling over and over again with each passing second.

He cleared his throat and laughed as he took a look around my room. 'What earthquake hit this room,' he smirked proceeding to help me clean up and pack. Upon finishing we lay side by side on the bed with exhausted sighs

'What do we do now?' he asked.

I looked around before I ran to the living room landing on the couch deciding to watch a comedy. Eldon settled beside me resting his hand over my shoulder to which I released a satisfied sigh and lay my head on his chest.

Not even a second later, Riley entered the room and made a show of squeezing himself in the non-existent space between my boyfriend and I.

We ended up watching a marvel sci-fi to which I blame my brother for unleashing a part of me that he was always ecstatic to see. I leaped onto Riley's back trying to execute the move I had recently seen when he easily shrugged me off. I was still rolling off my high as I mindlessly tackled the boys glad to have forgotten all my sour thoughts.

Lunch time rolled by and with the guide of a recipe video, we made a mouth watering delicacy.

'You look cute when you chew,' Eldon said.

My cheeks turned a crimson color as I began choking and spilled the contents of my mouth onto the kitchen counter. I wiped it off and left for the couch having lost my appetite. Eldon followed after me with my plate feeding me like a baby. I took advantage of the moment and threw tantrums, moving my hands and legs every which way.

I smirked as I thought to myself 'He doesn't know who he's dealing with.' But then his comeback made it seem like he knew and he was ready for every level of my childishness.

He wrapped a mascular hand around my shoulders with a grip so firm that it stilled me. He helped up his other arm and helicoptered the spoon into my mouth. I weakly accepted defeat and swallowed the delicious food letting him feed me a few more times before I swiftly slipped out of his arms.

I was glad he didn't find it in himself to chase after me because I knew he would catch me without a challenge. I watched amazed as his features lifted with undeniable joy as he spoke on the phone. 'Tiago invited us to play soccer at his house.' Eldon told me. I replied 'Then what are we waiting for.'

I ran to my room and put on black sport's shorts paired with a lime long sleeve. I walked in my lime trainers holding the rugby shoes I was going to change into. Tiago met us at the gate and the first thing I noticed was his classy way of dressing added to the lime tank top he was wearing.

I sneakily smiled at Eldon seeing him uncomfortable at how I was twinning hard with Tiago.

Parking in the mansion's parking lot I could see all my friends waiting for us at the soccer field. After cheery greetings, we divided ourselves into two rival teams and Larry as the referee. I managed to be an intense player, running around with agility and endurance.

I had actually scored a goal which the goalie had unfortunately blocked but who was complaining.

My two best friends were also holding their own which made me proud as we weren't exactly footballers but rugby players, the other girls were either tennis players or cheer leaders. Half time rolled by rather quickly and we sat in a circle as they caught us up on their first day back to school.

It had been refreshing until we had to go back onto the field for a tie breaker. I lost all my hype in the second half playing with the ball like a cat playing with yarn. My passes merely travelled an inch and I also exaggerated every collision rolling and spinning in the soft grass.

First, Ramsey bumped into me and I flew through a well transitioned back flip landing face first. The other time Tremaine's head slightly collided with mine to which I spun in a pirouette, landed in a plank and collapsed.

It began as a tie but guys from the rival team scored on us like we hadn't been participating at all.

Nevertheless, I was happy to spend as much time as I could with my friends before the moment I was dreading came. After cleaning up at Tiago's  house, we decided to throw ourselves a farewell party.

I stuffed the lofty hole in my heart with the delectable foods that were served at the party. In an attempt to distract myself, I ate too much to the extent that I was almost intoxicated with food.

How was I going to survive a plane ride with greediness poking at my stomach?

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