Chapter 35

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I woke up tired and my eyes refused to open. Maybe I've gone blind or the Santos put some wicked spell on me. 'Is my daughter awake?' Sir Johnny's voice asked. 'Not yet...and our daughter, you mean.' My dad responded and I almost laughed but I managed to muffle it back. Now I can't afford to blow my cover. I had heard too much already. I was happy to over hear these two's conversation. Were they really lovers or they were only playing the part?

'Our? Like you and me?' Sir Johnny was baffled.

'Yeah we made Daisy, you and me.'

'I don't remember that night.' Dad laughed.

'Oh it wasn't at night. It was in broad daylight, on the balcony with a lot of screaming and...'

'Hush baby, the fruit of our passion might hear you.'  They were quiet for a second before they broke out laughing. I scrunched my nose and flew out of bed. They were surprised to see me wide awake.

I glared at them for traumatizing me and walked out no word uttered. Atleast I wanted to. Dad stopped me at the door worriedly checking if I was alright. Johnny behind him emphasising the worried expressions of my father. 'Did they hurt you? Did they starve you?' He seemed more worried about the latter.

'1 meal a day, can you imagine!?' I growled. His face fell probably thinking about my dreadful starvation. 'Riker and Tiago are making a banquet in the kitchen. Though you might want to wash up first.' He suggested.

'Did you just suggest that I'm dirty?' I narrowed my eyes.

'Yes darling and you smell too.' Johnny smiled cautiously patting my greasy hair. So I took a very long well needed bath and made my way to heaven. No, I meant the kitchen. One and the same thing.

The delicious aroma led me to the kitchen where Riker was cooking in all his shirtless glory. My eyes travelled from his broad shoulders to the fit form of his back and ended up gawking at his exposed v-lines. The man in front of me was built different. Amazingly different.

'Here take a picture. It'll last longer.' Riker snapped me out of it and handed me his phone. I was double taken aback. And so I couldn't form a sentence that made sense.

'Oh the password. Daisy underscore first underscore love.' My jaw dropped. He gave me what? His goddamn what!? And I'm his first love? No way. My eyes met his gorgeous ones and I lost all sense. They trailed down to his kissable lips and I couldn't resist.

Hooking my fingers around the waistband of his shorts, I pulled him in my lips crash landing on his. He met me with equal fervor and we made flames. I ran my hands up the length of his body from his abs to his hard rock chest and he shivered.

I know your weakness.

I smirked knowing I had some control over that man. His hands cupped my bottom, he lifted me and placed me on the counter. His shirtless body came flush against mine resonating intense heat.

I might have to take another bath.

My mind never once alerted me that I was mingling with the enemy. I was supposed to be repulsed by that man but when he leaned into my ear whispering how he dearly missed me, I lost all sense.

'Shit.' I cursed at my mistake. I stepped back distancing myself from the devil in disguise. Frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair with a huge sigh.

'I know what you want to say, please don't.' I could see the remorse in his eyes. But what did he help when he mercilessly shot three bullets into the man's body? 'You know what I hate the most about this?...The fact that I still love you. The fact that my heart still flutters when I see you. You're a monster but I find myself attracted to you. Tera-something-philia. Is that what they call it? In love with a monster.'
Riker had no room to feel offended but I knew I'd hit him where it hurts the most. He'd ever only been sweet to me but that one day changed the trajectory of how I saw him. I was trying my best to come off as repulsed but I couldn't help the attraction.

Riker was done cooking and proceeded to serve my greedy self with multiple dishes. I gobbled up all of them as if Carol hadn't brought me food earlier in the day. Minutes later, Megan ran into the kitchen Tiago right behind her. Upon seeing me, they both encased me in killer hugs. I swear Tiago's armpit was directly on my nose.

I couldn't complain much as I had missed the two idiots. 'If those bastards laid a finger on you...I vow I will break every inch of limb in their body and...' I pinched his lips together. He was too good to be making such threats. That was Lionel's job. Actually, Lionel had been so quiet after The Secret Service surprise show up at the Santos meet up.

'I missed you guys' I muffled still in the bear hug. Megan pulled away and looked me dead in the eye. That right there is exactly what I feared. I had called it though. That Doctor Garcia would look at me and immediately see my missing kidney. I just didn't know it be Megan.

It's as if she was doubting that I'd been kidnapped. 'What happened to you.' She interrogated. 'Yeah you were there at the oil rig and then you were gone. Is that where they kidnapped you from?' Tiago asked confused. I nodded. 'But we were on good terms with them. It makes no sense why they'd take you.' He frowned.

'Where you really kidnapped?' Megan narrowed her eyes and frowned. I could tell gears in her head were turning. 'How could you say that?' Tiago scolded her. I looked at him and for the first time in forever, I could see Eldon on Tiago's face. They were really identical. It frightened me. It felt like I would melt down and come tumbling down.

I sat down as the familiar sting began to settle in. Then it felt more excruciating than it had ever been. I tried my best not to show that I was in pain. Just as dad and Johnny walked into the kitchen is when Riker finally spoke. Now wearing an apron over his shirtless body made it difficult to look away.

'Ugh.' He groaned getting everyone's attention. The amount of curse words he spat out were in dire need of a really strong holy cleanse.

'They can't kidnap my girl for clout. The hell! I will make them pay.' He was seeing red and the only thing in my mind was that he called me his girl. My heart did a stupid backflip.

'Son, relax and think rationally. If you become an enemy of the Santos you won't live to see another second. Your gang is full of amateurs. And you are too. Don't go starting flames you can't put out. Revenge is a dish best dropped from the menu.' Sir Johnny rubbed Riker's shoulder. His anger dissolved into frustration.

And once again all I could hear from all that he'd said was when he called my man, son. It felt like he was accepting him into our little family. My heart fluttered.

Doctor Garcia walked in and came over to give me a gentle hug. 'My daughter.' He frowned at my condition. I thanked the heavens that he couldn't see my missing organ like Megan could. Maybe Megan was fit to be more than a family medicine doctor.

I also smiled at the fact that I now had 3 dads and counting. Birth daddy, Johnny daddy, Garcia daddy and maybe even Riker daddy. Daddy issues. I laughed.

With everyone here except SG Garcia we all caught up and I told them the story of my kidnap I'd crafted. With all the emotions and the agony over one meal a day, they sympathised with me. Only Megan kept a straight face. She didn't buy it, at all.'

Doc Garcia told me the OR was ready whenever I was. They had studied the mechanism of the six herbs and they seemed hopeful. Maybe I wouldn't actually face my demise. My heart felt lighter at hearing that.

'Let's not waste more time and treat you with the medicine. You might just recover quickly and maybe you can donate to Tiago's twin like you wanted to do.' Doc told me. An expression flashed over my face and only Megan caught it.

It was unlike her to keep it quiet. Maybe she was respecting my need to keep it private or she was building her case before she could expose me.

'Oh by the way I got a call from Doc Simmons.' Dad announced and everyone's ears faced him. I broke out in a cold sweat and gulped.

'They said his condition is getting better and they've taken him off dialysis. He's still in a coma though.' He said. I smiled widely praying he'd wake up soon.

My smile didn't go unnoticed. By who? Megan obviously. The girl was building a heavy case. And when I thought she'd expose me, she fell to the ground beside me.

'Why...why you?' She choked her words in between sniffles. Her shoulders shook violently as she wept. Everyone looked at her confused. Way to throw me under the bus besty.

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