Chapter 25

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'Blood and destruction. Dreadful objects so familiar. All pity choked with custom of fell deeds. Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge. With Ate by his side come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice...Care to finish Riker? Do you know your Shakespear?' Riker looked super confused as was I when Tiago spoke. 'Cry, 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war.' I was bewildered.
'War indeed.' Lionel's voice boomed as he chuckled. 


'War!?' I gasped. Lionel declaring a war against RECSAM came as unexpected as a war from the heavens. None of us were fighters by any criteria as compared to the deadly armsmen that were The Secret Service. They were trained and very strategic while we were merely a bunch of naive teenagers and medium class normal employees.

Most of The Secret Service members were heartless and lacked human ethics while most of us were soft hearted sweethearts. Not innocent, but definitely good willed.

From any point of view, RECSaM versus The Secret Service was a mismatch. The end was already predictable.

From my room, I heard a glass ornament shatter against a wall and I knew that the beast in Riker was erupting. I hurriedly stood from my bed hoping to be there for him instinctively.

A sharp pain in my side reminded me that I was in no condition to even be on the Truck. I lifted Riker's shirt I was wearing to expose the white bandage wrapped around my abdomen. Too afraid to check my unreal wound, I slowly sat back down.

Daringly, I peeled off the first layer and I saw red. Technically I saw black because the residue and the gas had already reached that layer. I called Dr Garcia in but Megan came in running instead.

'Flower! Are you okay?'

'Only Tiago calls me flower.' I narrowed my eyes.

'Oh wow what a coincidence.' She fake gasped.

'You must've been hanging out with him a lot or you're just compatible.'

'Definitely compatible.' She blushed.

'I heard my name.' Tiago walked in his eyes everywhere but on me.

'Just girl talk.' Megan said smirking at him.

'Are you saying I'm a girl?' Tiago challenged. Megan looked him up and down with a seductive smirk.

'You're definitely a man.'

'Get a room you two, you're making me sick.' I groaned clenching my side. The pain I felt resurfaced and I was clenching for real. Megan rushed to my side and helped me lie on my left side exposing my wounded right. She proceeded to undress my wound as doctor Garcia gave us intel on the weapon Lionel used.

He numbed me with anaesthetic and began analyzing it. Megan, Tiago and Riker were gathered around my bed listening.

'They call it the sword of demise, often choked with a rare black gas. Good news is we now know the name. Bad news is I tested the residue I collected from your wound and it's been impossible to identify its chemical components. Without knowing what the gas is, I'm afraid I can't diagnose you or even begin treatment.'

'Why's it called the sword of demise?' I asked eyes wide open.

'Because no one stabbed by it has ever survived.' He blatantly replied.

'What!' We all shouted in unison.

', I'm not dying there must be another way.' I refused to agree to a death sentence.

'I brought you here to heal Daisy and that's what you're going to do.' Riker whisper - shouted.

'I'm sure he's doing his very best.' Tiago tried to calm Riker.

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