Chapter 1

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'Kiss the person to your left,' Tiago read the note.

He sharply turned his head to his left and grinned at me. With puckered lips, he closed his eyes awaiting my plump lips. I was about to smack his head off his neck when Eldon beat me to it. 'Don't you dare put those uncircumcised lips on my girlfriend.'

Tiago wrinkled his nose but when he realized something his face lightened up.

'We're identical so jokes on you.'

The usual banter commenced just like the game of truth or dare we were playing ended. I gave Eldon a small peck on the cheek before I moved downstairs to get myself a snack.

'Are you enjoying the party?' One of my friends shouted over the loud music.

I replied with a slight nod continuing my walk to the kitchen. Sipping on a soda I began to reminisce on all that had happened in that school year.

After the school term, my friends and I had all gone to a special summer school program organized by Rocklin high. There, Eldon and I won prom king and queen, Tiago met his ex who then dated another guy from our friend group, my arch-enemy and I smoothened our relationship, two of the guys from my circle of friends visited the army and my girl bestfriend got to witness the birth of her newborn brother.

The experiences I went through during summer school coaxed me to rethink my whole future. When news reached me that Eldon and Tiago were dropping out of school to fulfill their father's dream, I decided to join in on the adventure.

Our huge friend group threw us a farewell party and it had been enjoyable until the game of truth or dare. Leaning against a wall, I sipped my drink as I observed a couple sucking each other's faces.

'Daisy,' one of the girls called for me to sit back down with them. She warily looked around before she whispered in my ear. 'Which of the twins is your man?' I looked at her confused. I thought everyone knew that I was with Eldon or maybe it was just hard to tell them apart.

'Uhm, the one with a grey hoodie.' I said.

She shook her head and hummed. 'Can you set me up with the other one?' She asked almost innocently.

Something about someone wanting to date that idiot made me rumble with laughter. 'Tiago? You want to go out with Tiago?' I said between chuckles. It seemed she was serious so I told her I'd see what I could do.

When inside had become stuffy, I exited and sat down on the trimmed grass. I could hear the distant sound of music as I went through yet another plate of snacks. As I was watching the stars and feeling the chilly wind, I felt a presence beside me.

'It's weird leaving all this behind right?' Eldon started conversation. 'We've never known anywhere else aside from this small town. It will surely take us time to adjust to the new city.'

I lay on my back and Eldon propped himself onto his elbow looking down at me.

In that position, his chiseled jaw was more defined by the moonlight glowing down at us. His golden strands of hair were carelessly bouncing around with the whistle of the wind.

'I can't believe you're mine.' He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His fingers lightly brushed my skin leaving trails of raging embers. He looked into my eyes as if only the two of us existed. I could feel dragons raging in my stomach as the world stopped around us.

Eldon slowly leaned in as I anticipated what was to come. Before any sparks could fly, Tiago made his presence known.

'Ewwie guys get a room.' He said in an innocent baby voice. Eldon groaned as he rolled off and onto his back.

'I'm going to kill you one day, take my word for it.' Eldon said as he glared at his brother. 'Not if I kill you first.' Tiago retorted. I chuckled at their dark humor. 'Well before you kill him, can you believe that there is a girl who actually wants this moron.' I said to Eldon. He rolled over clenching his stomach in a mixture of laughter and choking on his spit.

'She must be demented or desperate.' Eldon replied but Tiago took no offense.

'Look at you two idiots rolling on the ground and then you have the audacity to say that I'm the crazy one.'

Lost in our laughter, we didn't take a moment to care about what he had said. 'By the way, who's the girl?' Tiago asked. 'Haha, I won't tell you.' He tried tickling the name out of me but I wouldn't budge.

I escaped his torturous fingers when he began to chase after me. Eldon joined the fun as he stood and chased after Tiago shouting to let me be. It must've been a scene to see three young adults chasing each other in a backyard.

When my short legs failed me, my brain came in for the kill.

I pulled out a hose and sprayed both boys with icy water. Tiago released a high pitched scream resulting in him choking on the water.

I directed the hose towards Eldon who tried to cover himself but to no avail. As I enjoyed the view of his clothes sticking onto his defined abs, Tiago grabbed the hose from my hands overriding my genius plan.

A/N if you have come this far, thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. I wrote this book in my early teens and it probably has multiple errors. But if you enjoyed, please leave a comment, vote and follow my wattpad journey. Thank you xoxo :)

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